Chptr ~ 28 [ Semi-Finals 🌃 ]

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They next day started and the two were as strong as ever prepping for the semi-finals the choreography became tighter and the moves were becoming progressively smoother, Mina uncharacteristically didnt notice the sudden mood/relationship change between Denki and Kyoka. Their antics became more noticable as the duo became more passionate with their actions. Yesterday she really didnt know what happened to Denki but it seemed they had made up at some point.

The music from the speakers faded and Mina clapped her hands in satisfaction,
" Alright good work you two, you guys drastically improved since yesterday! " her genuine smile gave relief to the new couple.

" Thanks Mina, thats means a lot considering we're performing tomorrow.. " Jirou continued with a subtle fade in her voice,
" As you can tell im a tad bit nervous.. " her voice let out an unconfident tone.
" Usually I'm confident in these kinds of things but- Im with Kyoka on this one. The teams we're going against will be the best of the best. " He scratched the back of his head out of stress.

" You guys made it this far with pure dominance, im confident you guys are way better than any competitor past or in the future. " she announced in a smug tone.

Although her comment didnt assure them they still respected the pink girls attempt. Three more hours passed practicing purely choreography, then they slowly segwayed out of choreography and began to transition into strictly vocals. They continued to practice electrifying vocals consistantly through the rehearsal being more punctuate on parts and focusing on intonation and dynamics of their overall performance. This part of the session Mina usually sat back and watched as the two made stunning music. As the vocals of Jirou rang through the building a familiar rival blaired back in retort only having one topic on his mind, Kyenki. The anger inside him battered against his usually passive self, although his inside was bitter his outside was disciplined. Gendo took in a deep breath garnering the attention of his band mates, Suza tapped the shoulder of Koskue.

" Something happened to him? " she whispered.

" Hell if I know. " he shruggged as he tuned his guitar.

Her eyebrows furrowed at the boy,
What help you are.
She shook her head and got up from the couch, her hands swiped the paper from the small coffee table infront of them.
" Melodics.. How did you even get this information? Weren't we supposed to get our opponents tomorrow? "

Her question made him slightly annoyed,
" They told me in advance, I just got lucky. "
His blank face turned toward hers.

" Any more questions? "

" No- "

" Good, lets move on. " he stood up from his chair.

" Alright guys! No faltering and no slacking off. This performance will be an easy stepping stone for us. " he then slammed his hand on the table.
" So that means no mess ups. " his piercing glare silenced the room.

The day came to a close as the music faded from each studio, Kaminari took a gasp of the chilling night air.

" Ahh this is nice, the air inside was so dense! " he continued to skip ahead of the two girls who were watching the doofus.

His atmosphere gave a relaxing aura to the girls, the stress of the semi-finals would often tear apart groups but luckily they had someone that would break heavy tensions. Kaminari pulled a small pack of gum out of his pocket, he flashed it infront of the girls.
" Anyone want some? " he asked pulling 3 out from the pack.

" Yeah, sure. "

" Yes please! " Mina replied holding her hand out.

He placed the ultra mint gum into both of their hands, the fresh cold of the night filled their minted mouths causing a chilling satisfaction.

Our Duet! 🎶 ~ KamiJirou FanficWhere stories live. Discover now