Chptr ~ 1 [ First Day 🏫 ]

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The second year of UA just started, due to the graduation of the upperclassmen villain activity has decreased.

Leaves fall as the season slowly turns toward autumn, a purple haired girl is making her way towards her first day of her second year. She peers at the school and and reminisce about her memories of last year and the many outcomes.

-Ding! Ding!- The school bell rang signaling all students should go to their class.

All the students began gathering to their classes, the school was lively again, the vacation left it souless, now its filled with students with dreams and goals to ignite the fiery passion the school had. The loudest class was class 2-A, familiar faces and a bunch of exchanged questions towards eachother of their summers. A blonde boy crashed through the door catching the whole classess attention. BANG! He scanned the room for Dadzawa and glanced back to his classmates with his hand behind his head. The class watched the blonde boy analyzing the classroom for their faithful teacher and some started laughing and reassuring that he was safe.

He slowly made his way to his seat highfiving his friends and laughing with them, he fumbled into his seat with a signature smile.

-Fffwwwoooooshh!- Mr. Aizawa slid the door open, he rolled into the classroom in his yellow sleeping bag.

"Welcome Back Students of UA. We are going to start today off putting out luggage in the new dorms, next we will continue with assembly's and other school matters, real classess start in 4 days, today is for reunions and settling in dorms." Mr. Aizawa pronounced in his usual monotone voice, he gestured towards the door signaling the class to start moving.

The class started to rise from their seating place, some had luggages and others were going to pick them up at their previous dorm. People started to divide into their own friend groups as they all walked towards their original dorms as some students picked their luggage while others were saying their farewells.

" Man I'm going to miss these dorms, we had so much memories! " Kirishima sighed.

Bakugo punched him in the gut and replied,
" It's not like we're leaving the school shitty hair, anyways we are moving to a better one. "

Ding, the elevator opened, as Kaminari stepped out he had a guitar case on his back and a Electric guitar case in his left hand and a duffel bag with clothes on his right. He made his way outside the dorm to a large charter bus, he slid his luggage into the storage compartments at the bottom of the bus, he had a headset on listenting to a recorded version of Hero Too, he was humming the tune with a happy expression. He hoisted himself up on his two feet when he was met with a human version of Kirby.

" Watcha hummin'? " Mina said in a tone hinting something, she had a dumb/annoying smirk as she was pressuring the human Pikachu.

" I'm just listening to Hero Too, I just like the song nothing more. " Kaminari replied back in a bland tone masking his emotions, but in reality he lied, because he really loved Jirous voice, when he heard her angelic voice he was shocked and amazed. When she sang it was like he was entranced, like a snake and a flute. The blonde boy spaced out listening to her voice.

" Kami? Hey Kami..! " Mina observed Kaminari as he just stood still listening to music, although she didnt get the response she wanted from the Blonde boy she could still read his body language.

" Hey lover boy your angel needs help with moving her equipment! " Mina said to Kaminari as she moved his headset.

" W-what? You mean Jirou? Also dont call me lover boy you tape dispenser addict. " He darted back at Mina, he then walked back towards the dorms to help Jirou out, although he couldn't notice most of the people saw kaminari slightly red from the tease from Mina.

The boy made his way into the elevator and clicked the 3rd floor, luckily he knew were she resided because they lived on the same floor, he walked out of the elevator and walked through the girl dorms door, he looked at Jirous door and took a deep breathe and knocked.

Knock knock!

A loud thump occured on the other side of the door, Kyoka was on the ground with the drum set scattered around her. She sighed and got up and made her way towards the door.

" Hey.. You need any help? " A familiar blonde boy looked down at her, Jirou was kind of shocked that he offered her help but nonetheless she responded.

"Yeah.. Can you help with the drum set? I put most of the things in the bus already. " Kaminari gave a gentle smile and nodded his head. He made his way over to the drum pieces and picked up most of the parts.

The sight of his smile made Jirous heart flutter a little, shes been getting alot of help from him lately and she hasnt repaid him back in any way so she felt a little guilty. They both made their way towards the elevator, when they got in he placed the drum pieces on the floor of the shaft, it was quite cramped so it was a tight fit, Jirou used her earjacks to press the 1st floor and the elevator shifted suddenly which made Jirou fumble and land on Kaminaris chest, instead of instantly shoving him off she kinda spaced out, she felt comfortable and safe. Kaminari was spaced out just staring at Jirou, she wasnt looking at him but she was looking at the ground but he was to shocked to say or do anything.

Ding! 1st Floor.

They both panicked and shuffled, Jirou quickly snapped out of it, AAAAAAHHHHH WHAT AM I DOING. she panicked and 'accidentally' shoved her earjacks into his eyes. Kaminari started to scream in pain, as the door opened people heard Kaminari in pain holding his eyes as Jirou walked out of the elevator blushing madly holding her bags and some drum equipment. Kaminari was too busy dealing with the pain in his eyes he noticed half the class was staring at him in wonder. He grabbed the remaining drum equipment and rushed outside were Jirou was putting her items into the charter bus compartment. They were to busy being flustered and embarrassed to say anything, Kaminari stood next to her putting the equipment inside, as they both stood up they both stared at eachother,

" Hey.. Sorry about that pikachu. " Jirou broke the silence shifting her gaze at the ground.

" Hey it's fine, but I kinda need my vision to see angels like yo- " Kaminari covered his own mouth, he accidently naturally flirted with her. His eyes widened in fear and regret, his hand was still covering his mouth and he was flustered more than ever.

Jirou just walked away in a quick pace, Kaminari just watched her walk away angrily he thought to himself, stupid! Idiot stupid! Why do I open my dumb mouth..
Kaminari leaned against the bus flustered and disapointed in himself.
Jirou was blushing the tint of Kirishimas hair, she was panicking cause she never thought he was gonna flirt at that moment. Her mind was in spirals as she self consciously walked toward the girl group as they were talking about their plans for the new dorm building.

Jirou and Kaminari was both in a red mess, but that was only the start.

[A/N - Eyo! Hope you enjoyed this, still finding my strong suites, trying to improve and still have some sort of emotion in the story. Catch you around.]

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