Chptr ~ 25 [ Journal 🌫 ]

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The daylight began as the sunlight reflected through the glass panes of Heights Alliance, he yawned stretching his arms to the side of the bed. He scratched at his ruffled hair that reached to the ceiling, his eyes were still exhausted, but he still managed to fish his phone from the nightstand that was to the side of his bed.

" 6:30 am..? huh. " he let out another yawn before scratching an itch on his head, although he wanted to go back to sleep he felt really thirsty.
He grabbed a bottle from his gym bag that was under his bed then raised the blue bottle into his mouth, he didn't taste any water so he shook the bottle, he then Shaked it again, and to avail nothing came out.
I forgot to refill... I'll just go downstairs. He shifted himself and slid his right leg on the floor of his room, he then swinged his other leg doing a lazy-like movement because of his sore body from yesterday's chase. The light from the curtains blinded him for a short second but he slammed the curtains closed. Standing up he dragged himself towards the door with a bottle in his hand, he twisted the lock together with the knob making his way towards the elevators. The morning was quite quiet which was nice, the sound of his footsteps filled the hallways as he walked through. When he made it to the kitchen he heard a sound from the pantry, a bit confused he made his way over silently to check on the unknown person.

Small bits of humming flew from the pantry, the humble tone made it easy for him to know who was in there, she had some sort of signature style that could be easily recognized. At the doorway he saw the girl searching for a snack, she had matte purple headphones that covered her ears.
Why does she use headphones even though she could just use her earjacks..
This bothered him for a bit but he decided he'll ask her about it later,
Her hair was a bit ruffled, and she was in baggy pajamas but regardless of her appearance she still looked beautiful, he saw the petite girl reach for a small Oreo box on the top shelf. Barely missing the box because of her height, she decided to use her jacks to nudge the box bit by bit in attempt to move it down to her, he continued to watch the girl struggle snickering silently.

" So, pfft. You need help Ms. Jirou? " He blurted.

" ..!?!? "

The sound of the person made her jump, her jacks whipped sending the box down after her. She stumbled backwards avoiding the box from tumbling onto her face. She knocked into Kaminari chest sending them both down by the doorway of the pantry. She turned to find the imbecile who caused the incident. The idiot she saw was on the ground in pain, it seemed like he absorbed the fall of both of them.

" What are you doing here?! Why are you watching me?! " She antagonized.

" First of all, I also live in the dormitory of the class, and second I found it amusing. " He gave the smug answer she did not like.

" You could at least tap my shoulder, or even waved in front of my face to notify me, You scared the crap outa me. " She did hand gestures proving her point.

He paused; awkward looks were exchanged between them. He picked up the conversation with a smile,

" Hey! At least the Oreo box is down. " He grinned at the otherwise annoyed face of hers.

" . . ., I hate you. " She replied shaking her head while a grin was seen slowly appearing on her face.

" I know you don't mean that! " The blonde said getting back up on his feet. He held his hand out offering to help her up.

Her violet eyes looked at the boy's hand, she smirked then her eyebrow raised while she looked at him.

" Really? "

" What? "

He looked into her piercing eyes, he understood her 'you literally just scared me and you expect me to get help from you' face.
He decided to take a different approach to get some points back.

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