Chptr ~ 14 [ Identity Theft 🎩 ]

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            He could smell the aroma of the foods lingering scent from vendors that were near the stadium, he decided to get a snack to cool him. He arrived at a bubble tea place that sold the best popcorn chicken in the area, he felt a tap on his shoulder and he turned to see Mina, she seemed to have a face of 'explain now', because she cooled down from what he did yesterday. He led her to a seat in the corner outside of the boba place he puled his phone out then started defending himself,

" It wasnt me and if you dont believe me here look at this. " he tapped his phone sending a video to her phone. At first she was angry then confused after the second half of the video played.

" Around the same time I was locked in the bathroom by the green dude. " He sent her a second video on it.

" Look at the clock in the video if you want I can get the rec- "

" Okay, Okay, I understand. " she put her hand on her head.

" Sorry for accusing you immediatly but to be fair they took your appearance. " she was in a confused state but still tried to make sense of it.

" Does Jirou know anyone from the Breakers group? "

" I don't think so, why ask? "

He leaned back in his chair,
" I saw her hugging a bastard from that group earlier. "

She tilted her head,
" Did she talk? What was she wearing? "

" No she didn't talk, she was wearing a grey jumpsuit- wait. " he and Mina had the same idea, the launched Insta and they joined the instalive.

He saw Jirou she was singing and smiling, it was a smile he loved seeing,

" She's wearing a black tank top.. " Mina said, they looked at eachother.

" That means.. "

" Somebody is taking our identity's, and I might just have a suspect. " he held up a paused video of the green boy.

" One problem. " Mina sighed,

" What do you mean? "

" The BOTB producer.. Thats his son, so even if we tell everyone he is not going to get pulled out of the compitition out of any means. "

He sweared under his brethe, he looked back at Jirou and smiled. He made a promise, he clapped which caught the attention of Mina.

" Then we beat him in BOTB. "

" You know its rigged, how are you gonna win? " As much as Mina hopee for them to win she knew the odds were stacked against them.

" We'll win. " He held the phone next to his face showing Jirou playing guitar.

" Fine, lets say you have a chance, How will you beat them? If you want to win you need a plan. "

He didnt really have a plan, honestly he planned to just play their best performance and hope for a good result. Like those kid shows were they main characters wins even if its rigged, like in the show he needed a miracle.

" That's why you have a manager doofus don't think to much about it. She sent a message in the group vhat making his phone buzz, he read it and it said to meet at 6 PM today. Denki looked back up at the pink girl,
What is she planning?

Mina set an alarm 10 minautes before the initial meeting plan and decided to plan some things to help them win,

" Alright we meet as a group around this time okay? "

" Yes. "

" Right then see you till then. "

" See you at 6 o'clock. " He flashed little hand guns and smiled she walked away, he decided to return to his hotel room to prep for the next meeting.

Meanwhile, She picked her drink up and went towards the hotel were she needed to grab something,

Okay.. Firstly,
Settle things between Denki and Kyoka!
plan set a theme and get custom costumes and props for the theme.
dig some info on some people..

  She swiped her card on the hotel sensor making the little light go green, she opened the door and headed towards her luggage which was layed near the nightstand she grapped the zipper and folowed the line till it opened then she rummaged through luggage through the clothes and accessories for a small notebook that was filled with writing.
The next song they're doing is I don't want to live forever - Taylor Swift, Zedd..
She grabbed her laptop from her nightstand and unplugged it from its charger, the lifted the screen and typed her password and tapped enter. She put a finger on her lip and clicked safari searching up possible ideas or themes.


" Alright BOTB are starting soon, see you guys tomorrow when Kyenki performs! "

  Jirou taped the red icon stopping the stream, her fingers felt worn out a tiny bit but not too much. She closed the app and checked her notifications, she saw a text from Mina in the group chat, 6 PM?
She was slightly annoyed because Mina didnt even specify where they were going to meet and why they are going to meet. But she didnt feel like socializing at the moment so she played some music on her phone and made her way towards the bean bag in the corner of the small studio.

   The three comtinued to do what they were doing, Denki started practicing the lyrics and overall dynamics and tone. Mina was writing ideas and digging through websites trying to find and dirt, she also was planning the theme and the props that could be used. Jirou scrolled through youtube watching random things that interested her from her reccomended, she often went down youtubes blackhole. Time passed and the clock slowly ticked to 5:45 and they got a message from Mina to an address that was pretty close to the facility and the hotel. The black leather wallet with little lighting bolts was picked up from the nightstand as he stretched and made his way to the door, he wore a lettermans jacket that had black and white as its main color way. He wore a black shirt with black pants that had white striped that ran top to bottom on the sides. He fixed his hair one more time at the doorway then flicked all the lights off to the hotel room and made his way towards the bottom floor where we would just walk towards the place.

" Alright.. Lets do this. "

A/N - Hey hoping you guys are liked this chapter 💕❤💕

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