Chptr ~ 16 [ You. 🎧⚡ ]

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[   Recap.   ]

" Jirou.. " he said softly.

" I don't deserve you. " tears slowly started to stream down her face.

" I don't deserve someone like you- "


       You could hear the tremble in her voice, clearly shes been on edge for a while, the light from the window transitioned to a darker tone. The light from the moon started creeping  from the floor towards the table, the silencing was slightly deafening, the words she uttered left him silent. The air was thick and their eyes collectively gravitated towards the floor.

" Everybody has a purpose, therefore everything must continue to fulfil eachothers purpose. " Denki uttered breaking the ice.

" Then is my purpose messing up? Being a gullible idiot? " her voice sounded stressed,

" Neither. Right listen, the reason i'm telling you this is because everyone seems to have something special, a purpose infront of them, something clear like, Izuku and his powerful quirk, Katsuki and his goal of #1, Momo and her will to save people. And you, your passion that pours into your amazing music. Whenever I see you I feel like your out of my reach. "

" Out of your reach..? " her head lifts slightly.

" Yes, you have a great future ahead of yourself, sometimes I wonder if i'll ever be able to talk to you like this when your famous. "

" Stop your being ridiculous- "

" Whats my purpose? jamming myself pfft. "
He showed his hand and sent electrical currents through his fingers making them spark a little.

" But.. "

" But what..? " She mumbled slightly curious.

" But when we're on stage, I forget it all. What's the use of a purpose if I could just watch yours flourish.. " He had a smile on his face but inside you could feel his pain.

" ... " She sat in silence trying to urge herself to say something anything,
Why am I such an idiot I cant say a word.

" So the person you don't deserve is not even worthy of being your friend? "

" Thats not what I meant- "

" Exactly! Stop putting yourself aside, its not even your fault so dont make a big deal of it.
I know I've repeated this alot but we made a promise. "

She felt a a soft ball hit her face,

" Loosen up will you, we got to finish what we started! "

She glanced down to see a wrapped up napkin ball, and with that a soft smile seemed the glow on her face, it was magnificent to Kaminari because the moonlight just adjusted to her face, her eyes were amythyst like, and her natural beauty blended with the lunar light. The rays of the light seemed to reflect of the glasses creating liggt fractures distributing the light throughout the room.


" Something wrong? "

" Oh.. No nothing just spaced out for a bit. "

" Alright then lets call Mina back in so we can can continue. " they were waiting for the other to call her in but they seemed to be to kind,

. . .

" Hey, Kami..? "

" ..? "

" Thanks. " She smiled.


  The three talked for hours continuing their plans for their next show, the day only digressed as they realized it was close to hitting midnight, the previous customers who were at their seats were making their way out of the door. The yells of thank you's faded as more people were swept out the door, the only ones that remained were the original cast of 3.

" Alright lets wrap it up here, we still have a compitition tomorrow so lets try to get some rest. " Mina folded her laptop and made her way towards the door, the floor squeaked each step she made, and the sound of the bearings from the sliding door wheels were vibrant due to the newfound silence from the empty restaurant.

" Alright, see you guys tomorrow. " he stretched his back as he got up raising his arms towards the ceiling, he extended his hand helping Jirou up and did his signature thumbs up when she got on her feet.

" Your such a dork you know that? "

" Hey! But whatever, lets walk to the hotel you guys checked into the hotel right? " he held up his hotel card,

" Yeah we have the same hotel- " her sentence was inturrupted by the sound of a car starting and leaving,

" Did Mina just leave-? "

" Yes, yes she did. "

Denki escorted her out through the doors, and to avail their ride seemed to be gone.

" Why am I not surprised. " she sighs and points towards the hotel,
" Alright, lets set foot. "

He chuckled then he playfully saluted,
" Aye! Aye! Captain~! "
They walked peacefully till they were about a block away from the hotel, the streets looked slightly shady but they were around the nicer side of the town, the streetlamps would send a gently glow through the pavement. The sound of their footsteps echoed down the street and the temperature was cool. She shuffled through her pocket and grabbed her phone, she used the finger print scanner which sent her to the home screen. She pressed a familiar green app and turned up the volume,

She began to sing the melody to the song and soon Kaminari joined her for it was catchy, when they made it to the final turn they saw the hotel stretching upwards. She paused the song and put her phone away,

" Alright night Jamming~Yay,. " she waved as she started walking down the hallway,

" See you tomorrow, Make sure to get enough sleep! " he noticed that she was on the first floor but for him his floor was the 5th so it would take a bit to get to his residence. He went to the elevator lobby and pressed the arrow up, then an iconic ding signaled him towards the door to his right. When he stepped in elevator music began playing eventually adding to his already fatigued body. On the flip side Mina was sending e-mails and messeges to the preforming and art team for BOTB of the props, light fixtures, and costumes.

" Annd.. Done! " she tapped her enter key and closed her laptop, she checked the time one more time and yawned in the process.

Lets see what we'll have in store tomorrow..

A/N ~ don't stop me noow~~
🦃 🦃 🦃

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