Chptr ~ 22 [ Results 🗒 ] ° Season 1 End

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He frantically walked across the room, a brush of anger overwhelmed him for a brief moment, but he calmed himself.
Why aren't they bothered?! It doesnt seem like anything has faltered them.
He checked media again, the previous photos and articles that had been plastered all over the media was overwhelmed by the performance they put on just now. The thought of them winning made him annoyed,
What did I do wrong.
He scratched his neck, he then heard a knock at his door.
" Call time is in 5 minutes Gendo. " Suza left the mad man in the room and continued ger way to their own band.
" Is he but hurt or something? " the blonde boy said.
" Your saying risky stuff Koskue. " she leaned on the wall.

" You know im saying the truth. " he scoffed and pulled out his phone.


" That was spectacular performance by Kyenki! Lets move on to the just as great Yenshou! "

The compitition ensued as other bands dueled, the wild card Yenshou seemed to under perform which was unexpected. The day seemed to end as quickly as it started, they said the results will be announced in 3 days, during that time the bands were allowed to go back to their family's or continue to practice. Kyenki decided to go back to U.A the week has been hectic and this was a good time to decompress. Denki pressed gently on the brakes and then pulled the hand brake up, he twisted the keys turning the engine off announced.
" Where back home! "

" Already..? " Jirou was resting which seemed to help her recover some energy. Which seemed out of the ordinary was her and Denki were still wearing the costumes. They seemed so emphasised on the compitition that they forgot to change. He stepped out of the car and walked towards her door of the car. He again put the handkerchief around his hand and swung the door open extending his hand out helping her out of the car.
" My Lady~ "

" Thank you my dear~ "

They occasionally had these roleplay type of moments that would feed their goofiness. They continued to make corny flirtatious remarks at eachother till they made it to the door.

" its like you love birds forget that I exist. "
Mina walked by the two of them holding her bag. You could hear the snickering she made as she opened the door. Honestly she didn't mind their adorable tropes when they interacted but she much rathered them flirting in secret rather than in front of her face. It took away the fun of teasing them, but for a master couple counsler Mina knew it was best for nature to take its course.. sometimes.

They trailed behind Mina eventually meeting Kirishima making something in the dormitory Kitchen. When he ooked up to see who just entered his face seemed to glow,

" AAYYY Welcome back! Bro I missed you guys. And wait, Denki my bro you are looking clean! You gotta hook me up with that someday. " he admired his suit, him and Denki immediately started to fill eachother in on whats been happening.

" I must give the credit to Mina she organized everything. "

" I know im amazing~ "

Jirou did a bow gesture that seemed to feed her ego. Then they heard the elevator door ding. The door opened as an ashy haired boy walk out.

" Hey Sh#### Hair is the protein shakes ready? " he was holding 3 bags, one red, black, and yellow.

" Yep, all done also look whos back! " the red hair pointed at the three.

" Hey Kacha- " they yellow bag was thrown at Denki.

" Even you dont skip leg day. " he then dragged the boy by the hair out the door.

Kirishima smiled as he put 3 bottles into a bag,
" We're about to work out cause today is leg day! And you never skip leg day. Anyways I'll see you guys later! " the red head ran out the door practically jogging.

Our Duet! 🎶 ~ KamiJirou FanficWhere stories live. Discover now