Chptr ~ 20 [ The Drip. 👚 ]

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               How the world revolves and how it changes, the glances of people were either observant or judgemental. These things resonated within Jirous head, experiencing inner wars were a regular for her and they could drive her damn near crazy at times. The light that shown down on her whem she was in the dark  was music, a way of escape. The touch of a cool hand tapped on her shoulder, she turned to the the electric boys smile.

" Stage starts in 15 minutes, you ready? "

She felt her heart rest a bit, somewhat unexpecting considering the fact she usually got very nervous before call time, her nerves cooled and a confident smile brought upon her face.

" Always have been. " she gave a stern look at hime in am seriousness

How wild Denkis emotions flourished when she did that, the almost scent like gaze she gave him. He felt his chest tighten a tad bit from his quick emotional outburst but it died down quite quickly.


Take the life of a person and you have taken it all, twas a motto of a lime curly haired boy.

" Gendo. " a figure stood by the doorframe.

" What? " he swiveled his chair from his desk to the door catching sight of a unusually tall man.

" Have you made the preperations necessary for winning? " he dark figure spoke in a murky dark tone.

" Yeah finished it already, what do you take me for? A swindler? " he spat a piece of fun from his mouth to the bin in the right corner.

" You arent much different from a swindler if you keep doing nothing. " the shots by the man seemed to sink into Gendos back.

The clock that hanged not far from them ticked, each tick felt slow but concise as precise as water. He knew time would flow, flow just like water,
" You'll see, just wait and you will see what I have in store. " the boy began to tap on his wrist symbolizing to the figure to watch the time and just wait.

" Here, step one. Remove high compitition first, aka mess their flow up. Make them inconsistent. " the green haired boy grabbed a cup of water from the table and started to use it as an example. The way he shook the cup made the water splash across the glass.

" The groups we have our eyes on are Kyenki, Yenshou, and The Light. The rest are not even worth mentioning. " he paused and slight smirk crept on his face.

" I have already made progress on Kyenki and Yenshou, for Kyenki lets say I started a spark to light a flame. And for Yenshou, lets say it will be difficult for them to stay together as a full group. "

Knock Knock!

The oak door swung open showing Suzu not giving any care for the personal meeting.

" C'mon we have to observe the next bands so we have info on how to counter or deal with them. "

" Can't you see I'm taking to someone? "

" I have little care for who this is. Get up and get moving. " she practically dragged him from the couch towards into the hall.


What Mina was doing was something alright, she was holding a large box for no apparent reason but what they did know was that smile of hers, the smirk that always had somthing about it. Thud! Went the box as Mina dropped it infront of her, she got out a box cutter and cut the tape that sealed the box.

" What do you think it is? " he said as he crossed his arms.

" Knowing Mina is gotta be something gimmicky. " she replied, then the box opened and Mina pulled what looked like clothes,
" You know I can still hear you guys, im not far from you. "

" We know. " they said simutaneusly.

" We just wanted to bug ya. " the girl did a cheeky smile when he joined her.

" Okay, okay, lets get serious. These are costumes try them on. You don't have a choice. " they caught the clothes being hurled at them and unruffled the clothes and held them arms length to inspect Minas choice in clothing.

The clothes that the blonde boy held was a jet black suit that seemed to be made of fine fabric. The collar shirt was black. And at last a golden tie that complemented his hair and eyes. He wondered how in the world Mina got her hands on this but then remembered that she has 'Todorokis' card. A sight of a smile showed on his face as he went to the personal mens changing room.

For Jirou the dress Mina picked seemed on edge for her,
" Mina you know I dont like wearing dresses like these.. " she held the dress up to her face. It was a bright red dress that had long ends. What seemed peculiar was Minas smile,
" I am a master arent I? " she complemented herself which seemed to confuse her.
This is no time to be narcissistic but what do you expect from her. She sighed and asked.
" Okay if this isnt mine where is it? "
She saw the pink girl point at the box again,
" Look at the very bottom. "

Jirou pulled out a dark black dress that draped to her knees, what made the dress stand out more was the black leather jacket that was paired with it. This will do. Although she didnt not like it was fine. She entered the female changing area.

Footsteps were heard down the hall and the steps only got closer, the figure of a man entered the room. Denki fixed the tie and centered it among his suit, he then fixed his sleeves which seemed to complete the suit. Mina smiled and was genuinly amazed by the glow up he just went through. What seemed to enhance the look of his outfit was the black pants eith the black belt. His whole outfit fit like a glove. But the majot show came around when the punk rock princess came around the corner twirling her earjacks.
" Is this good? " she said in a stern voice.

Mina noticed that the outfit as a whole had been tweaked, she wore leggings in d er her dress with long boots that went to about her knees, the jacket was long enough the fit with the dress and it seemed to fit her style of wear. When she stepped into Denkis vision he legitimately fell silent and started enjoying the view, when the met eye contact he seemed to connect back to the world like bluetooth to a phone. 

" You look drop dead gorgeous. " the eords seemed to slip from his mouth.

" Is that the best you can do playboy? " she raised her eyebrow eith a smile.

" Sorry to interrupt your little flirt sesh but its not complete without these. She handed them black masquerade masks to match them.

" Alright now its perfect. "

A/N ~ Welcome to a New Year Everyone! Thank you for sticking around. Have a great day and start this year out strong!

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