Chptr ~ 11 [ Blame 🖤 ]

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                   He stood by the door nervious to enter the room because of the chill he felt from seeing Mina walk by him just moments earlier,
No it couldnt be a ghost.. I must be seeing things. He let out a sigh and put his hand on the handle opening the door, when he opened the door to a scene of Jirou on the floor with a Mina comforting her holding a cloth from Jirous shirt.

" Hey guys? Sorry I was gone for so long- "

" You have the audacity to come back?! How dare you. You should just die you disgusting scumbag! " Mina continued to slander him.

" What did I even do?! Wh- "

" You KNOW what you did. I already told you to leave. Get out before I punch you again. " she glared at home.

He looked at the room again, the floor was a mess and when he looked at Jirou her eyes met his and the look she gave him was filled with hate and betrayal. He didnt want to make it worse so he exited the room. He clenched his fists wondering what he did wrong, his stress levels soared as he tried to decipher this conundrum. He decided to head to the main producer of the show to ask him to delay the performance. He succesfully got a delay but if was only for an hour, but it was enough time to investigate.

What does she even mean by 'again'? What even happened.. He decided to head to security to try to find any footage, he asked around for the security office but to avail no one had answers, when all hope seemed to be lost he saw a security guard going towards the exit.

" Hey! Sorry for bothering you, do you know where the security office is? I need to check the footage, I've been given approval by the producer. " the guard looked at him but decided he wasnt paid enough to actually check with the manager so he just headed towards the security room. The security guard ushered him to the door and unlocked it. The room was decked with TV's than spanned from the top to bottom.

" Recordings are saved into that computer. The password is password.. " thr security guard stood there awkwardly as Kaminari silently judged him for setting his password to 'password'.

" Anyways.. Thank you. " he dismissed the guard and continued to search through the archive. 20XX.. October 18.. Here! He clicked the video, their are 20 cameras set up but thankfully they were labelled, Hallway 1.. Hallway 2.. Hallway 3! Lets rewind 50 minutes back and.. Bingo! He reminded the footage back when he was locked in the restroom, he examined the footage when he saw the green haired boy shove him in. After that a bright light beamed blinding the cameras for. Short period of time, but by the time the cameras readjusted to the correct light levels he was gone. Where did he go? What was that light..? He devided to check the footage from the main hallway towards the lounge,

" Wait.. What the? How am I there..? " he saw himself walk down the hallway towards the lounge, confused he shuffled around the cameras finally landing on the lounge footage. And what played pissed him the fuck off. He no longer felt the stinging pain from the splinters and gashes from his hands, his feelings went numb and blood seemed to go cold. What fucker posed as me.
He clenched his fists, for one reaon he felt like it was his fault, he couldnt protect her, and now he think he hurt her. He smacked the keyboard out of anger which mde the cameras switch back to the lounge main hallway. He realized it switched but before he changed cams 'he' glowed and blinded the cameras.. What.. He switched to the 1st hallway and saw him walk past Mina..
Not a ghost. But a damn faker. He paused the footage and went to the lounge camera.
One Mina in the hallway and one Mina in the lounge, he took out his phone and took a video. It was probably that green haired dude, I dont think he accounted for the cameras. That bastard. He stood up and headed towards the lounge to testify his innocence. Then the speakers sounded,

Kyenki On stage in 5 minutes.

What!? He darted off towards the stage, he heard the crowd cheering and the stage lights brighten, his heart felt tense. He had no time to fix this, he grabbed his golden guitar with a lightning sticker on the bottom, it was a sticker Jirou gave to him after the UA festival. All he remembered that day was the smile she had when they performed, the crowd went silent when she turned to him. The adreniline was bursting and he wanted to play his best for her, her smile was the reason he practiced so much over the summer. He grabbed his pick and headed out to meet Jirou on the stage.


  She cooled down and took a deep breathe, although Mina chased him away she still hoped he would come and perform. What happened earlier was something she didnt want to show on stage. He promised her they would win, and she had no intent on anything stopping their momentum. She grabbed her purple guitar and the violet pick Kaminari gave her earlier that day. She shook her head, focus up Jirou you got this.
She calmed herself and took a step on the stage, her stage fright seemed to kick in for some reason, the crowd she loved to play too felt like a wall of eyes. She felt her heart quicken and her palms get sweaty. It felt as if the crowd was staring into her soul judging and criticizing her. She wanted to speak but words seem to dissapate when she talked, why did it feel different? She was on stage before and enjoyed it al those times.. Why now? Maybe he was right..
Maybe I should go back to playing hero.

I just wanted to play music.

But I cant even do
something as simple as this.

I'm a failure.

A/N - *spins into room* wassup guys, heres some words, hoped you enjoyed them! Aight see you around *flips outa window*->

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