Chptr ~ 13 [ Fake 📸 ]

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             Day 2 of battle of the bands, I was manipulated by the boy with green hair in the Breakers group, hopefuly today goes better.

Denki finished typing in his phone and stoop up stretched, the only information on the next song was bare to none since Mina is barely giving him any information, she only told him to get ready or be ready and
fix myself what even- he turned off his phone and freshend up for the day taking a shower and grooming himself, he decided to tie his hair up and head to his luggage. He wore baggy jeans and a large hoodie,
Top priority is finding Jirou.


He got a text from Mina, the text read,

Kirby 🐽
[ Next song is I dont wanna live forever - Zayn ft. Taylor Swift ]

He responded back with an alright and opened spotify playing the song. He nodded his head to the beat and surprisingly he could reach those high notes. He spent 4-5 hours practicing before he headed out for the quarter finals, today they werent performing but they could spy on the future compitition. Style, swagger, and overall performance could determine if a team would progress or fail, the core of every team relies on their chemistry and teamwork. Jirou was practicing in the studio when she heard a knock from the outside, the pink girl let herself in and asked how she was doing,

" I'm doing fine, just nervious thats all. "
She twirled her earjacks.

" You'll do great! " Mina gave a thumbs up before leaving her to practice.

Jirou sagged back into her chair letting out a groan, where is that doofus, hes supposed to practice with me.

She grabbed a tuner from the desk and spent about 3-4 minutes perfecting it because she hated when it was a little off. Due to her perk she naturally has perfect pitch so when it comes to music she can adjest very well. Even if she has perfect pitch using a tuner was a way to double check her, Denki often made jokes on why she does that. She does a cliche riff and starts cleaning the frame of it. She constantly checked her phone to see if he texted her but it only had the news notifications.

Kyenki Advances to quarter finals!

The start of the Kyenki klub!

Tsunam out! Kyenki In!

  She kept scrolling down but her feed was only filled with BOTB the reviews and comments were in the hundreds of  thousands, they hit celebrity status. Her top priority is to capitilize on this opportunity she immediatly got ready to do a insta live, she fixed her hair and started it,

" Hello everyone im Jirou! I'm the female singer in the group Kyenki! Feel free to ask any questions. "

The livestream began pouring in hundreds to thousands. The chat was being flooded so it was quite difficult to get questions, she then got a request from a user called Pika..
She clicked on it and the screen on her phone split into 2 and Denki crashed the live stream. He waved and blinked to the viewers.

" Heyo~ I'm Denki Kaminari, I'm the male singer from Kyenki! And yes we are UA students but please lets keep the questions away from that. " his background showed a nice greenery, he was sitting on the rooftop area.

" Okay first question.. What song are we doing next..? " he but his lip and had a puzzled look, before he answered he was cut-off by the queen herself.

" Unfortunately, we cant disclose that information! You'll have to wait for tomorrow for our performance. But I can gaurentee that it will be a banger! " she handled it very professionally which surprised him,

" Next question.. Is Jirou single? Pfft haha! "
He smiled at her but she seemed to ignore his reaction.

" Yes I am single, moving on. "

I can change that~
He said to himself but didn't want to annoy her any further, he pointed at himself with his thumb and announced.

" I too am single, if your looking for someone my number is 641·694- "

" Stop it playboy. Alright next question is
How do you feel about the band Breakers? They had a strong performance. " she waited for Denki to answer,

" They are.. Nothing to us. We'll beat them and win the compitition. I made a promise and I intend to keep it. " his eyes were deadset on the camera and his tone made the mood very serious. The confidence he had reflected to the audience had some taking it as ignorant or confident. He clapped his hands breaking the tense atmosphere and smiled,

" Okay! Last question, hoe did we get our band name and how did we meet? "

He let her lead this one,

" Our band name was originally called De~yuo Kyenki but they just cutoff the De~yuo part, Kyenki is a mix of my first name and this doofus' first name. And how we met was UA testing and mostly cause we were assigned seats next to eachothter. Did I miss anything? "

" Not a thing. "

He was curious on where she was so he looked at the room, it was white with a tall ceiling. A distant image crawled into his mind reminding where hes seen it. He move down from the rooftop and have a look around to freshen his memory. When he got sown he saw a purple girl walk through the hallway when she saw him she turned the other way,

" Hey Jirou wait! " he started to walk faster to catch up with her.

She turned a corner and he was stopped by a tall blonde guy, wait- isnt this guy the guitarist from the Breakers group? He was holding Jirou and she was buried into his chest,
What the f-,

" Hey Kyo your hugging the wrong blonde guy, I'm over here. "
The guy glared at him and Denki glared right back.

" Get lost short cake, we're busy. "

" Nah man thats jokes, where did you find this walmart version of me? "

" She actually wanted an upgrade from your drive through lookin' ass. "

" I am not hearing that from a human tiki torch. Step off before I make you. " he felt his quirk pulse through his fingers causing little lightning bolts to buzz and burst off his fingers.


A flash of light blinked and the sound of a camera came from behind him, he turned to see a man in all black start sprinting from the scene, on impulse he immediatly took off to catch the eavesdropper. The chase commenced and the hallway turned into a race track, Denki tailed him and was gaining distance when the man busted through the exit doors towards a truck that was passing by. He jumped and latched onto one of the side handles of it. Denki saw as the truck turn one more corner officially losing him.

A/N ~ Hello, water is good. Also breathimg is mandatory. Okay goodbye! o/~

Our Duet! 🎶 ~ KamiJirou FanficWhere stories live. Discover now