Heisenberg's POV

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All three of my siblings snatched Y/N away and group hugged her. Laughing away like we were all normal, and had always been normal. I suppose we feel that way when we are around her. Donna and Moreau were at both of her sides, and Dimitrescu was holding them all together with her arms in a tight squeeze. It would certainly make for an interesting photograph, but I felt jealous.
"H-hey guys! Careful!"
She giggled and warmly hugged them all despite their appearances and how they treated her before. Oh Y/N, you'll never learn, will you? And I have to admit, I love that about you.
Wait a damn minute, what does Miranda have to say about all of this?
I searched around for her but instead of the mighty beast I recognised her as, I found a relatively normal-looking woman with her young daughter, and they were slowly approaching the group. I felt my hands curl into tight fists.
Miranda, you ruin this for me and you'll truly pay, I swear to God-!
The Lords each dropped Y/N and scattered around as Miranda walked towards her, I stood back defensively but both women had a solemn expression of mutual respect on their faces - huh, was Miranda finally humbled? This is unlike her.
"Y/N Winters, you have done me a great service" she spoke loud and clearly as she cupped Y/N's cheek with her hand "and for that... I must apologise for how I treated you..."
Apologise?! She's apologising?! Now she does?! Where's my apology, bi-
"It's alright..." Y/N smiled half-heartedly at the woman and took her hand in hers, then looking past Miranda at Eva who stood behind with a shy smile on her face "I'm glad I could actually be of service, Mother Miranda".
"Your Mother would be proud".
They all smiled at each other and Eva hugged Y/N's middle, what a sweet moment, too bad I still felt quite bitter like the old bastard I am. Didn't she murder Y/N's parents? I decided to stand by her - physically, of course - and put my hand on her shoulder.
"Mother Miranda..." Y/N began after Eva pulled back "I have something to ask of you".
"And what would that be?"
Y/N turned and looked at me, a soft affectionate expression took ahold of my face as she did, against my will, and her hand squeezed mine in recognition of this.
"I want to stay in the village... I made an important deal, and I am a woman of my word".
Miranda's smile faded as she looked at me, I tightened my grip on Y/N's hand, staring the bitch down. Come on, woman, your daughter is back - nothing else matters to you, does it?!
"Karl" she started her sentence but I didn't flinch "will you be much trouble if I leave this woman with you?"
What! The cheek!
"I already own her! We made a deal!"
"And I abolish this deal" Miranda spoke firmly "Y/N Winters is a person, much more powerful than yourself might I add, and you should treat her as such".
Urgh, I suppose she's correct there. I look to Y/N who just smiled back at me as she held Rose, such a simple gesture but it made my long-hardened heart leap with joy. Damn it all!
"...I suppose".
"Excellent" Miranda took Y/N's face in her hands as she beamed "then I leave you and Rose with him in his factory" she kissed her on the forehead.
Wait, Rose?!
Where am I gonna put Rose?!

Karl Heisenberg x Reader (ENEMIES TO LOVERS)Where stories live. Discover now