Chapter 31

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As soon as you reached the ceremony site, you immediately noticed something was off.
It was completely empty. During your journey, you had braced yourself to have to fight to the death for your sister, but not Miranda nor anyone was to be seen.
You still kept your guard up as you walked around, you noticed there was an underground alter in the centre of the site with something white poking out at the top, you approached and bent down to examine it.
There, tucked into a little nook on the top was a note with "Y/N" scrawled across in black ink. You quickly picked it up and flipped it to read the message.
"I stopped the ceremony and I have Rose with me. Come to the factory as soon as you read this, I won't have much time left until she comes for me - signed, Karl".
Heisenberg? Heisenberg!
He stopped the ceremony and was now keeping Rose safe? But... after all he's done why would he do something like that for you? Surely it was so he could accomplish his dream of destroying Miranda, right?
All these questions went through your head as you ran back towards the factory. You thought to waste no time as you knew just how angry the Lords and Miranda would be with Heisenberg; he may be gravely injured or worse - dying.
"Heading back to the factory?" The Duke asked as you approached, snapping you out of your daze "allow me to be of service".
He opened the side door of his carriage and you immediately jumped straight in, the Duke reigned the black horse at the front, who whinnied obediently and went galloping off in the direction you needed.
As soon as the carriage arrived after a few moments, the door opened again, you hopped out and turned to face the merchant once more.
"Duke! Thank you!"
He chuckled wholesomely as you turned and ran towards the entrance of the factory, all fired up from the interaction.
"I told you you left your heart behind! Now go! Go and get them!"
Tears of gratitude streamed down your face as he said this, you went past the metal gates and ran through the huge doors that Heisenberg had left open for you.
Something was definitely off here.
The usual whirring of machinery... the smell of smoke... the moans and groans of monsters...
It was all... gone?
You looked around in confusion as none of the equipment seemed to be in action, but you didn't want to dawdle long. You headed into the rusty lift at the end of the hallway and pressed the button for the 14th floor - you assumed he would be in his bedroom that you'd grown so accustomed to and it made the most sense for him to be there - the doors closed and you emerged upwards, eager to see your sister.

Karl Heisenberg x Reader (ENEMIES TO LOVERS)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें