Chapter 25

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You had no idea what to say to that.
Miranda she...
Kidnapped and experimented on him?
When he was a child?
You felt sick to your stomach as you thought more about it, how cruel and selfish could one woman be? She took away his life, his childhood and turned him into what you knew him as today. You couldn't imagine it fully no matter how hard you tried, and that made it worse.
Heisenberg stared you down with the same glare you had before; only yours had twisted into a mixture of pain and sympathy - not that he probably needed any, but the whole situation was just heartbreaking.
"... Karl, I-"
"Come here".
He firmly grabbed your wrist again and pulled you out the door of the bedroom, you were surprised as the cool air hit you as he forcefully walked you over to the rusty elevator down the hall.
You wanted to protest to this manhandling, but you couldn't find it in you to argue or even scream at him. Your face was frozen with surprise at everything he told you and how it all finally made sense. You looked over to him but his expression was distant and even more unfriendly than usual, you could tell even through his glasses. When the elevator finally pinged after a few moments, he walked you out again into a huge place and pointed up to the top.
"You wanted to know what this factory does? Well, take a look, Winters!"
You shakily did as he said and looked up towards the colossal ceiling, and to your horror, you saw conveyor belts that were hooked up with... living people?! And they were being moved into somewhere within the factory in masses. Were they dead? Knocked out? How could this be happening?!
You had no words, you were so disgusted and mortified at the fact that he was experimenting on living, breathing people to turn them into his own monstrous creations. The sick feeling came back again but this time much stronger, your wide eyes filled with tears at the fact of the situation.
"Now you see... they're all just... ordinary village people... like you".
Heisenberg surprisingly sounded guilty but you didn't care for it, he truly was a monster as far as you were concerned. A cold, heartless monster. How could he even live with himself?!
His grip loosened on your wrist after a while as he saw your face and you knew you had to take the opportunity, you broke away and ran as fast as you could from him, weeping and weeping uncontrollably.
You heard his gruff voice call out to you and heard pieces of metal flying straight behind you, but you could not stay here and would fight for your freedom now, no matter what.
Eventually, despite running for dear life, the metal caught up to you and you found yourself pinned to a nearby wall.
"Arghhh... hff... hff..."
"Y/N! If you run, they'll all just kill you!"
You heard Heisenberg using his powers to quickly get to you, so you struggled as much as you could so you wouldn't see him. Despite the serious situation, your eyes would not stop crying, you truly cared about him but he was such a horrible beast. You knew he was troubled from childhood, but creating more pain and death was certainly not the answer to that!
"Y/N, stop!"
The metal pieces dropped as he approached but he held you down instead, you fought against him as hard as you could - disgusted that he was even touching you.
"Stop fighting me! I own you!"
"Never! Don't ever touch me again, you hear me? I can't stand you! You're a monster!"
"Y/N please-"

Karl Heisenberg x Reader (ENEMIES TO LOVERS)Where stories live. Discover now