Heisenberg's POV

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Who the fuck does Lady Super-Sized Bitch think she is?!
She thinks she can stomp over here, turn her nose up at my factory and make off with my property?!
I swear not even her almost ten foot ass can contain that goddamn ego of hers!
Y/N even thought it was wise to come out the room while I was trying to ward Lady Dimi-FuckFace away, is she fucking nuts?! If she noticed her wrists or if Y/N so much as opened her mouth about her powers, that giant ass-licker would've alerted Miranda immediately and we'd be in even more trouble - am I the only one with any fucking common sense around here?!
I could hear her hit the floor hard behind the door as I walked away - hopefully she realises the true nature of her situation soon as I want nothing more than her powers. If I could harness them for myself I would, but I can't, so I gotta keep her alive - it's not my job to keep her happy.
I pace through the factory, not paying any attention to the Lycans, Sturms and other beasts I come into contact with.
I can't get that woman off of my goddamn mind!
I've been completing my ordinary mundane tasks around the factory and my usual activities... but today my mind won't stop harkening back to that fucking woman. No matter how much I bully and contain her - I've never once seen her spirit broken - she's so focused on her goal.
The ceremony with Rose takes place in a week, I wonder how long it'll take for Y/N to discover what's really going to happen to her.
What is she making such a fuss over anyways - it's just a stupid kid! It's not like it's a boyfriend or a husband!
I wonder if she has one.
Ugh anyways! You can always just make another baby and it's not like it has a personality yet! It's 6 months old... hasn't even been alive long enough for me to care anyways!
Or maybe the reason she's in such a tizzy is because of the kid's powers...
Y/N definitely knows about them, and maybe she's scared about the amount of destruction it could cause in the hands of the wrong person.
I understand her there.
Miranda is definitely the wrong person.

Karl Heisenberg x Reader (ENEMIES TO LOVERS)Where stories live. Discover now