Heisenberg's POV

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I snapped out of it and sprinted over to where she was sitting and so did the others, all but Miranda, I stopped and stood there, looking down at her unmoving body to see exactly what was going on.
"Y/N?" Dimitrescu's strained voice made my heart pound against my ribs as she attempted to shake her awake "Y/N, are you... oh no..."
Huh?! What do you mean 'oh no'?!
"Y/N?" Donna, who was holding a sleeping Rose, also bent down to touch her pale face. Her own breathing faltered as she checked Y/N's breathing, her heart rate and even double checked her pulse. Mine quickened as I waited in silence for any sign of hope, pacing around.
"Y/N... I never... got to be... friends" Moreau added, standing there crying in the background.
For God's sake, someone do something!
"D-Donna" Dimitrescu stuttered "is she...?"
I looked at the woman for answers too, but Donna just sank back on her knees and shook her head at us with sadness radiating off of her.
"N-no, this can't be... oh God!" I immediately fell to my knees, the pain was too much.
"Oh, Heisenberg-!" Dimitrescu cried out as she placed a sympathetic hand on my shoulder "I... I'm so sorry..."
I brushed her away and quickly stumbled over to Y/N, not caring if I cut my knees. She can't be gone, she promised she'd stay with me, damnit!
"Y/N... Y/N! You have to wake up!" I shook her and shook her until her arm and head fell limp onto me "no... no, please..."
Gently holding her in my arms protectively, I, genius Lord Karl Heisenberg, started to cry.
I rocked back and forth as tears streamed out of my face for the first time in my life, holding her securely in my lap like she was my darling wife, squeezing my arms around her and shakily kissing her head as I wept.
"Please... please..."
Dimitrescu turned away, obviously crying her eyes out too, and Donna hugged Rose and Angie to her chest, similar to that of a child's reaction. Moreau had already lost it and had wandered off somewhere to let his emotions out. Fuck!
How could she just sacrifice herself like this?! What am I gonna do now?! The only woman I've ever loved... lying here dead in my arms... ugh, it's too much to handle. I suppose I deserve this for being such a monster!
I gritted my teeth as these thoughts swam through my mind, when all of a sudden, I heard two small feet plant in front of me.
I glanced up through a sea of tears and saw that girl. Eva. The brat that Y/N sacrificed herself to save.
"... what do you want..." I spat at her, anger coming off of me in waves "leave us alone!"
"The woman... she will come alive again".
Huh?! What's this kid going on about?! I'm not in the mood for games!
"What are you talking about?!"
"I saw her before I woke up" Eva shyly peered down at me through a curtain of dark hair "I told her I didn't know her, and that I missed my Mom, and she hugged me..."
Sounds like something Y/N would do, she's good at comforting; very warm and soft even in death. Eva continued.
"Then she said, tell your Mom to kiss me and I will come back!"
What?! Kiss her?! Is she insane?! This has to be a lie! Nobody is touching her, especially not right now.
"Is this true, Eva?" Miranda called out from behind, holding on to her shoulders.
"Mhm!" The child beamed.
"But why would I do that, she's defied me too many times".
I glared at Miranda, too choked up to shout what I wanted to at her, but what Eva said next completely shocked everyone.
"Mom, if you don't bring her back to life then I won't love you anymore".
Miranda choked. "W-what? Eva-"
"Yes Mom! Bring her back or I won't go anywhere near you!"

Karl Heisenberg x Reader (ENEMIES TO LOVERS)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora