Chapter 33

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"There you are!"
You gasped at the sight of the beastly woman, but remained where you were for now.
"Mirandaaa!" Heisenberg growled as the crow woman stepped out in front of him, the dust fanning away under her intimidating presence. Heisenberg held his arms back onto you defensively.
"It's all over for the two of you" she affirmed confidently "Heisenberg's regenerative ability is being weakened by the second!"
Her hand flew out and mighty tendrils appeared from the back of her, one hit Heisenberg straight in the head, and then another did again, which knocked him down hard.
"Argh! Aaargh!"
Miranda laughed maniacally as she sent tendril after tendril of her strange parasitic form, beating Heisenberg senseless. His body was getting covered in more and more bruises and gashes with every attack.
"Stop it! Stop! Aaah!" You tried your best to move him and somewhat shield him, even getting hit a few times yourself, but to no avail. Miranda truly was ruthless.
"It's no use! Either give Rose to me... or you both shall die! How dare you defy me?!"
You evaluated your choices and took a deep breath as neither outcome was anything you particularly wanted, but soon you had an idea. It was very risky - but what else could you do?!
"Miranda!" You called out to the being while trying your best to dodge her attacks "I know what you want! This isn't the way! Your daughter back, right? I can help you... but you won't have my sister!"
"Liar! How can a weakling like you have any idea what you're up against?!"
"Trust me!" You dodged again, avoiding the hole in the floor "if I fail, then you can kill me, and do whatever you please!"
Miranda stopped slashing as soon as she heard this and her angered face was taken aback by your proposal. Just as she was about to open her mouth to belittle you again, we heard other voices come from outside the room.
"Heisenberg! You shan't get away this time!"
"Nope! Nope! Nope! Hehehehehe! You're in trouble now!"
It sounded like Dimitrescu... and Angie... and the others running alongside them! Miranda turned her now bleeding blackened eyes towards the source of noise and watched as the other three Lords appeared in the doorway.
They each took a moment to scan the situation, looking slightly shocked what it had come to, then turned to Miranda - if you could even call her that anymore - who picked you up roughly with one of her tendrils so that you wouldn't escape.
"Mother Miranda give the mortal to me, I have no doubt she knew nothing of the situation he put her in!" Dimitrescu, who sounded a little intimidated herself, suggested to the enraged being, but Miranda didn't budge.

Karl Heisenberg x Reader (ENEMIES TO LOVERS)Where stories live. Discover now