Chapter 8

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After a few hours, you felt fairly sleepy after such a hectic day of running from a lot of things and fighting and shouting, so you were curled up in the foetal position on the right side of the bed that Heisenberg threw you on. You quickly succumbed to sleep even though you were slightly cold, you couldn't pull the covers over you as you were still pinned, but they did smell very musky and manly so you could live without it. Very different from your soft bed you had at your house, with the warm fluffy covers and pillows. Oh how homesick you felt.
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You groaned in the back of your throat as you woke up slightly to the muffled sound of Heisenberg's voice shouting from outside, you peered out through your eyelashes to see what was happening and saw the door handle moving about as he unlocked it.
What time was it? Your eyes fluttered open and closed drowsily as you saw him walk in sighing. You silently watched as he took off his hat, jacket, glasses and shirt, putting them on the back of his desk chair. Then he sat on the edge of the bed to take off his black boots. You had never noticed his hands until now, they were scratched and looked like he worked very hard his entire life - his nails were short, some broken and the skin looked rough.
He could just be an ordinary man if he didn't have his strange powers, an eccentric ordinary man, and you thought you were slowly becoming less intimidated by him.
Suddenly, he stopped and looked over at you as if he heard your thoughts, you closed your eyes to make out you were still asleep as he walked closer to you.
"Hm" you heard him grumble out as he used his powers to unpin you.
It felt so good to be free but you were committed to pretending to be asleep, so the most you did was relax your arm muscles which earned a "mm" sound from Heisenberg.
After a moment, you weren't sure what he was doing as he went dead silent, he must've been staring at you or something else in the room but you daren't open your eyes to check. You decided you may as well fall back asleep since he took so long but after a while you felt a weight on the other side of the bed, you opened one eye gently and saw Heisenberg had climbed into bed with one arm up over his head and his hair across the pillow.
You opened both eyes and looked at him for a moment more, he snored quite a bit but you could see his face clearly without his hat and glasses. It was scarred slightly and he had an unruly stubble and haircut, and an angular nose that had a bit of dried blood on from earlier.
Certainly a strange moment.
He seemed so normal in sleep and you couldn't help but have your thoughts harken back to earlier - why does he hate Mother Miranda so much? What could you do to stop her? You knew your powers were remarkable but you could barely handle the monsters downstairs and Mother Miranda seemed like a different force entirely.
Uncertainty grew in your mind but eventually sleep took over yet again.

Karl Heisenberg x Reader (ENEMIES TO LOVERS)Where stories live. Discover now