Heisenberg's POV

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I struggled to stand back with the others as I watched Y/N approach the grave, she was surrounded in this golden glow that appeared whenever she healed me - I suppose it's her, oh whaddya call it... aura? Whatever it was, she looked like an angel. Her soft h/c hair flowing in the breeze and a gentle smile spread across her face.
Ugh! I can't believe she would help Miranda after all she put us through! I need to stop her! I run forwards in a second attempt to stop the whole thing, but Dimitrescu and Donna hold me back. Damn!
"Y/N no! Come back! Don't do this!"
I shout and shout but to no avail. Listen to me damnit, I own you! You can't do this! My voice choked up even more as I called out to her - hell, I was so upset I even forgot I had my powers - but nobody was listening.
Y/N walked over to the ground where Eva's body was, placed her hand on it and the golden glow surrounding her grew much bigger and brighter. It was certainly a sight to behold. I stopped struggling and gazed over at it, until it grew so powerful that it blew all of us away.
I heard everyone else's surprised cries as we all got the full impact and hit the ground with a thud, all but Miranda, but I couldn't see, it was so blinding! I didn't care for the others, I needed to know if she was alright!
"Y/N! Y/N can you hear me?! Y/N!"
No answer. Damn it all!
I clawed my way over to where I was originally and watched as a dark figure emerged from the ground and floated up into the sky.
Was it... working?!
Her powers...
Was that Y/N?
I stood up as best as I could, the glow still blowing hard against my body, I fought as much as I could. Then suddenly the dark figure lowered down onto the ground, I couldn't see where, until the golden glow shrank a lot smaller.
I wiped my eyes and looked over to see Y/N. She was lying there limp, propped up against the gravestone, with a young girl in her lap. It wasn't Y/N who floated up... it was Eva. The golden aura had turned into a streak of light that was seeping into the girl's chest. The colour rushed back to her cheeks and she looked healthy, Miranda beamed as soon as she saw this.
"Oh!" Her monstrous form turned back into her regular one as she ran forward with tears in her eyes, she immediately took the young girl from Y/N's lap and held her in her arms.
"Ooohh Eva! My darling! Oh how I've missed you!" Miranda cooed as the young girl slowly started to wake up, hugging her as tight as ever.
"Oh heavens, she's really back?" Dimitrescu spoke up as she too emerged from the fall.
"How extraordinary" even Donna had something to say.
"Y-yes! M-mother has her baby back!" Moreau spluttered out in excitement.
Huh, it actually worked. No more torture or experiments anymore, no more pain. Wow. That woman is more powerful than I thought-
Wait a damn minute!

Karl Heisenberg x Reader (ENEMIES TO LOVERS)Where stories live. Discover now