Chapter 29

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You woke up slowly after a while and it sounded like you were travelling inside a car, you gave yourself a moment to defrost and your eyes slowly fluttered open for good this time. Your head pounded.
"Y/N, you're awake".
There was that deep voice you kept hearing when you were passed out, only this time you recognised who it belonged to. You sat up sorely from the car seat to see that you were in a military truck, sitting right next to your parents' murderer and the man they trusted.
Chris Redfield.
Your eyes widened in surprise and you immediately swung your fist at him as he looked over at you.
"Ugh! You monster!"
"Y/N stop it" he blocked your hits effortlessly and managed to hold you back onto the car seat, you felt so powerless against him but you did your best to let your resentment be shown.
"Where are you taking me?! You come to finish me off too?!"
You spat and cursed at him as his face inched closer to yours with his usual hard expression, he just sighed and continued to hold you down.
"I know you're upset but you don't understand how long we've been looking for you!" He told you firmly, sounding somewhat worried "now tell me what's been happening!"
"Back off! You murdered my parents you bastard! Why would I tell you anything?! They trusted you!"
"For God's sake Y/N, you really think I'd actually kill your parents?!"
You paused slightly in surprise as soon as he said this, but you couldn't believe him one bit - after all, you saw him shoot them dead with your own eyes.
"What?! What do you mean?!"
"It wasn't your parents, it was Miranda!"
You stopped fighting as soon as those words left his lips. Miranda again? Was he serious? What exactly was going on here? You waited for an explanation.
"... I don't know for how long, but... Miranda discovered where you were living, murdered your real parents and... was posing as them..."
You were shocked at this news but it all started to make more sense, your expression dropped as your heart grew heavier.
"Was it... was it to get to Rose..."
"... yes" he sombrely confirmed your suspicions "and that's why I thought I could finally kill her before it was too late... but she faked her own death and reanimated herself in the truck, that was when she stole Rose from us".
At this point nothing truly surprised you. You just sat back in the seat, feeling slightly guilty at your assault on Chris. So your parents truly were gone. Boy, this was a bad day for you.
"I'm taking you back to a facility" Chris explained as he sat back too "there we can keep you safe and out of Miranda's clutches... God knows what she'll use your powers for".
You sat there in thought for a moment as the situation had finally dawned on you. There was one thing for sure - you had to go back.
"Chris, turn around".
"I said turn around, damn it!"
Chris blinked at your reaction but you maintained your composure throughout. As fierce as anything.
"Y/N no, you need to come with us".
You shouted and grasped the door handle of the car, taking one last look at Chris before you made your decision.
"Y/N stop!"
"I'm going back to the village!"

Karl Heisenberg x Reader (ENEMIES TO LOVERS)Where stories live. Discover now