Chapter 4

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At some point on the journey, you must've been knocked out as you woke up in another room on a hard and uncomfortable floor. Heisenberg could be heard mulling over something somewhere in front of you, pushing yourself up with your arms, you took a better look at the place.
The smell of smoke wafted past as you looked upwards to see him fiddling about with some blueprints, the room looked dark and metallic and was filled with all kind of furniture; empty shelves, rusty chairs, barbed wire stranded on the floor, and a torn map of the region on the wall. The only source of light you saw was from the bright orange lamp that was on Heisenberg's desk.
He grumbled and scribbled away, only occasionally taking a moment to ash his cigarette onto the floor, his big jacket was off as well as his glasses but you couldn't quite see his face as he had his back turned to you. He had a stained off-white button up on and dark brown utility trousers tucked into some black work boots. You wanted some answers.
"Hey" you cleared your throat.
He stopped scribbling but said nothing, you cleared your throat again and decided to address him a bit clearer.
"Hey! I'm talking to you!"
"I heard you the first time, I have fucking ears you know"
"Then look at me when I'm talking to you"
He paused briefly, clearly annoyed at your tone, then put his glasses back on and stepped on his cigarette before turning around to face you. You sat up on your knees with your hands resting between your thighs and glared at him firmly.
"Now tell me where I am"
"Ha" he snarled and swaggered towards you, you braced yourself for a stern talking to.
"Don't get cocky now, weren't you listening? You're in my territory now, so you will talk to me with respect, damnit!"
You pouted at him as his warm nicotine breath hit your face, he backed up and stood there awaiting your response.
"So this dingy old place is yours? I thought maybe I was back out in the streets" you cheekily remarked as you looked at the state of your surroundings, he scoffed and took out another cigarette from his pocket, trying to light it in his mouth while he spoke.
"Shut your fucking mouth!" He had to spark his lighter again "this place is your new home, so get used to it!"
"You expect me to stay on this floor?! What am I gonna eat?! Where am I gonna sleep?! It's too cold!"
Just as you shouted, you heard a strange noise erupt from down below which caused Heisenberg's lighter to fail yet again.
"You will... y-you will... UGH!"
He dropped the cigarette he failed to light for the third time and opened the vent door "SHUT IT YOU DAMN FREAK!"
The noise instantly stopped and you stared at him with a mixture of amusement and annoyance at his antics, he bent down yet again and firmly grabbed your forearm.
"You will do as I say, you hear me? I don't want to hear anymore ifs, buts or don'ts"
"One problem though..." you looked down, slightly embarrassed.
"What is it?!"
"I have to pee! What am I supposed to do if I'm chained here?! I'm not ruining this lovely dress!"
He looked at you silently and his expression softened, evaluating the situation as you shouted at him with red cheeks. He then walked over and fiddled with something out of your sight, then a huge metal tin was thrown in your direction.
"... are you kidding me?"
"Use that if you must" he put his jacket on and used a clanky key to open the door.
"Oh and one more thing Y/N..." you looked at him again
"Stay out of my business"
And with that, the door was locked.

Karl Heisenberg x Reader (ENEMIES TO LOVERS)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang