"–and then I started to–to bleed!" Cupid cried out to Destiny as she was standing as still as a statue. Her face was ghostly white and she could feel her heartbeat in her fingertips. Anxiety was rushing through her being and she just stayed silent, not wanting to believe what Cupid was telling her. But she had no choice but to believe him because she could clearly see the blood on his finger.

"Um... uh..." Destiny mumbled hopelessly as she also had no idea what to do. She also has no idea why it's happening. Cupid waited for her to form a sentence, but he yelled out in anger as he got nothing. After pacing back and forth, he stopped and knew what he had to do.

"Guess I'm paying the Big Man a visit."

Destiny looked over at him, also knowing that would be the only option. She just shrugged her shoulders,

"I don't know what he'll be able to do though." Cupid also started to think about that because he too didn't know what the Big Man was capable of. He obviously could do a lot, but still. Cupid then narrowed his eyes at Destiny,

"Can you bleed too or is it just me?" Destiny didn't like that question one bit because she didn't want to know the answer. If she ended up bleeding as well, might as well just blow up everything in existence.

"I think it's just you. Ya know, karma and everything always comes around." She said through a fake smile. Cupid saw right through it and ran back out to the gardens to pick up the rose from earlier. He rushed back inside and furrowed his eyebrows as Destiny was nowhere to be seen. But he knew better.

He went straight to her desk and opened up a drawer that had a button. He smashed it and the little invisible door opened up nearby, revealing Destiny. She stared at him in shock because she thought he didn't know about the magic room's existence. Cupid marched right up to her and extended his hand with the rose.

"Poke your finger, now." He demanded her as she rolled her eyes, not wanting to feel the pain. She took the rose from him and found a thorn, lightly pressing her middle finger on it. She scrunched up her face in discomfort and then looked down at her finger.

There was blood, too.

The two gods met eyes and couldn't believe what was happening right now. Destiny dropped the rose on the ground as she mumbled for Cupid to 'hurry the fuck up because they need to go to the Big Man now'. He rushed after her and the pair were silent as they went to the Big Man's area.

Multiple angels and spirits were coming in and out of his place, but the duo didn't pay attention to any of them. They probably should've because they were actually all as troubled and in distress as Cupid and Destiny were. That would've been another sign that something was extremely wrong.

They entered the building and instead of the Big Man being behind his desk normally scribbling stuff on a piece of paper, he was up and about pacing back and forth, continuously glancing up at the clock mounted on the wall. Cupid and Destiny shared a glance before Cupid coughed, trying to get his attention. The Big Man heard it and looked down at the two gods who were before him.

"Cupid, Destiny," he said as calmly as he could in the situation, "what brings you here?" He didn't want to hear the reason because he already knows it's going to be horrible considering what tomorrow is and what he's going to need to do.

"Well ya see, um..." Cupid looked over at Destiny for help because he was always scared shitless whenever he was in front of the Big Man, even though he never does anything mean. Destiny being Destiny shut her mouth and smirked at him, enjoying him all scared and anxious, even though their situation is horrible, "we are both bleeding." Cupid rushed out finally, holding up his finger to him. He also grabbed Destiny's hand and held hers up as well.

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