Handsome, height, humble and smart girl you better grab him fast.

El ain't thinking about me he has a lot on his plate Sarah. Yeah okay look Tone is having a barbeque next week you want to go?

Sure when? I forgot but i know its weekend I'll shoot you a text it's a pool party at the house in south freeport.

Long Island Sarah? Yes Long Island stop acting like it said Rome jeesh.

El drives invite him kissy. Oh it don't know Sarah.

She grabbed her phone look here El's texts right open. Hey El do you want to come to a barbeque next weekend?

I have to check my schedule but okay kissy. Look girl! What did he say Sarah? He said yes!

You understand im asking you on a date El? No! Don't send tha--

Too late! Sarah was swatting kissy's hand from grabbing the phone.

Oh my God Kissy! What? Look. Kissy read aloud I'd be honored to be on your arm bae emoji with heart eyes!

The two girl's giggled light hearted. You're going on a date with El girl!

Kissy was happy he said yes.

Oh my god kissy we gotta go to 34th street.

We gotta get some new clothes this just ain't any old nigga this is fucking El baby.

Yasssss! One of us bitches landed Kalel Quinn!

Hell yeah Sarah you're getting hype for nothing.

NOTHING! Bitch this is the same fool you've been swooning over since 9th grade.

The same negro that turned bitches down left and right.

The same one that said if a girl can beat him at a chess game he'd go out with her Four year's and no one did!

You know he is a Brooklyn junior chess master right Kissy? I remember he put our school on the map with the New York High School chess association Sarah.

That's how he got his scholarship. Wait El is on a chess scholarship? Yes kissy. Then when does he go to the competitions Sarah?

Competitions start in January and end in June if he wins he will be the youngest and first black chest master to hail out of Brooklyn.

He still play's Mr. Ivanov every day on the computer like three times a day.

El goes to bed stuy the park and harlem to play the old heads he beat all of them except--

Mr. Ivanov Sarah. That's right he's half black and half russian.

A black russian you ever seen anything like that kissy? Yes. Where. Mr Ivanov.

Shut up hehe. Rumor has it Ivanov's pops came from Russia to compete on a student visa where he met Ivanov's mom who was a chemistry student in the sixties.

They fell in love and had a baby kissy.

Ivanov Sarah? Correct the father taught the son Ches day and night by the age of five Ivanov  won fifteen competition's beating high school player's.

By the age of twelve Ivanov was competing on a college level and by eighteen he flew to mother Russia to represent the United States in a world wide competition.

Sarah showed kissy the photo's of a young Ivanov in Russia.

Did he win? Sarah showed her the internet oh he won kissy.

Then Sarah what's the issue?

He recieved an Olympic gold medal, he swept those chess board's like a raging fire.

After he won that's it kissy. What do you mean that's it Sarah?

There was no place else for him to go, he already hit the roof he was a chess master in Russia and the United States. Turkey and Ukraine all by eighteen.

Was a gold medalist what else is there to do kissy but?

Teach Sarah. Exactly Ivanov got his Phd degree in education. One day he was playing in the park when a young black boy at the tender age of four sat to play with him not knowing who Ivanov was nor his background.

Of course Ivanov let the boy give him all he had allowing him to seize pieces to learn his playing style.

When the boy was done Ivanov who declined to teach thousands of children to play chess. Denied many grants and scholarships to begin mentor programs of his choice.

Looked to the boy's mother asking; May I tutor your son with free chess lessons?

The mother was happy free? Of course this was all before she searched him on the internet.

Later that night the boy's mother sat with her husband telling him about thier day. She then showed him the history of the mysterious park chess tutor.

The parent's smiled realizing who wanted to tutor their child.

Fourteen year's later that child is going on a date with you Ms. Kissy.

Sarah smiled El's been playing chess that long? Yes girl i told you he goes to states and wins he becomes a chess master. Next stop mother Russia then the Olympics kissy.

He's alway's playing the computer in his phone he be cussing Sarah hehe. That's Ivanov's program he created all the games he played and won against the worlds top chess masters.

He created the software based on all the games he hand recorded in journals from his childhood up.

Ivanov is creating the same software for El forcing him to play himself Kissy.

That's smart and how do you know all this Sarah? My mother dates Ivanov shhh.

Sarah and Kissy passed the court house wait here I gotta get a guy's info for El.

Kissy went inside the family court house passing the visitation room.

She stopped staring inside at Amanda sitting there with a matured black couple. She looked upset when she saw kissy she mouthed..Tell El.

Kissy shook her head yes leaving to tell El what she saw.

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