I-Land EP 12 (part 6)

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To: Eun Ae/ Emily
Did I surprise you? It's been so long since we've last seen each other. I heard from Uncle Nicholas you were on I-Land, so I've been trying to keep up with all the episodes. You've made it far so I'm proud. I can still remember when we were little kids at family reunions and dancing together in my room. Remember when you snuck out and came to my dorm? My members were so surprised. Ever since Uncle left Korea, he always wanted me to watch out for you as your cousin so I did. But now I can see you don't need me anymore because I trust your future members to take good care of you. I'm cheering for your debut! Also the tteokbokki was my idea, so you better eat all of it!

PS. Tell Jay to back off. Uncle says so (He made me put that)

Love your favorite cousin. Don't deny it

To: Emily
It was really nice to see you again on I-Land. You did a great job during the Concept Test performing the solo, me and DK were very proud. It's probably weird to see a letter from me, but your mother asked if I wanted to send one along with your cousin and your parents so I said yes. I've always acted as an older brother figure for you and I'm glad I was able to be that person, but you seem as if you don't need me anymore. You'll soon have members who take care of you and you take care of them. Me and my group are cheering for your debut!

Also the kimchi was handmade by my mother, it was requested by your mother so I hope you enjoy!

To: My Daughter
It's been over two years now since me and your father left Korea and returned back to Japan. Ever since you were born, I wanted to make you perfect because that's what me and your father were. Now I see how important being an idol is to you, and it's not like being an idol will end badly. I was always so worried about making my entire family perfect, I never once thought about your feelings. It's too late to apologize for almost 17 years of forcing you to be someone you're not, so I won't even try. I'm cheering you on to debut in I-Land. Don't tell your father I said this, but he bawls his eyes out everytime he sees you and Riki on TV.

PS. Tell Jay to back off you -Your father
Love, Mom.

I could feel myself tear up a bit, but held it off. "Wow! It's so good!" I heard K gasp. "Whoa, I can taste my mom's cooking" Daniel said.

I picked at some of the tteokbokki. He made sure it was my favorite as well. "My older brother says he likes you more than me" I heard Heeseung say. I looked up to see him talking to Jay. "Me? Out of the blue?" Jay asked.

"Heeseung, it's me. Your older brother. You like to play games with your friends, and you didn't like to study. When I think of you who was so cute, yet so ordinary and immature. I'm so proud of you" Heeseung read. "He sounds like he's your father" Sunghoon laughed.

"Totally. Sounds like he practically raised him" Daniel said. "Lastly, tell Jay that I like him more than you, Heeseung" He finished as we all laughed.

"Thank you!" Jay said. "Read us your letter, too" Heeseung said. "Me?" Jay asked. "To my beloved son, hello. Whenever you're down on the ground in I-Land and whenever you overcame the obstacles in each mission, I thought I don't have to worry too much anymore. No matter what the result may be, I want to embrace you with open arms when I see you, my son. Good job, my son. I love you" Jay read.

"I feel like crying now" I laughed and opened up Seonghwa's letter again. "We lived with our parents for the last 19 years and just because we haven't seen them for three months, I had no idea I'd miss them so much" Sunghoon sighed.

"I want to hear what your cousin said to you" Ni-Ki said and turned to me. "I'll read his and then my father's as well" I said. I was going to just read part of it since it's so long.

Running to You (I-Land)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant