I-Land EP 8 (Part 2)

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K and Ni-Ki were standing inside the changing room, alone. I stood near the door and leaned on the wall so I could listen in. "Sit" I heard K say.

"How are you like that to have this way of thinking?" K asked. He was still speaking in full Japanese. "Nothing matters as long as you're good?" He asked again.

I looked towards Hanbin who was just munching on his snack, clueless. And then Jay was sitting, looking like he was trying to listen in as well. "I thought this time, it's an individual match rather than a team match..." Ni-Ki replied.

"Individual match?!" K got angry. "Stop talking nonsense. You only think about yourself. Doing whatever you want? When the team is like this. The team is doing what they can and you're doing whatever you want to do?" K asked. "You think we can go up like this?" He asked again.

K opened the door as I saw Ni-Ki sitting down. Ni-Ki didn't stand up but K pulled me inside. "You. What is with ignoring Jay? What has come up?" K asked in Japanese.

"Uh, I just didn't feel comfortable looking at him" I mumbled as K sighed. "Stop acting like this! Both of you, this team will only work if we can work together. You're both acting selfish and on your own accord. Look at Jay during the dance, because we know you can do it. You did it yesterday, do it again." K said. "And you, don't act on your own accord without talking about it within the group" K said to Ni-Ki before walking out, leaving me and Ni-Ki alone.

"Let's cheer up" I said and gave Ni-Ki a hug before walking out of the room. Jay was talking with K in the corner, probably about the dance break. Me and Ni-Ki decided to leave the room and go get some fresh air before we start up practice again.

"Is your practice going well?" Sung Deuk asked. "If you get eliminated this time, you're going straight home. So midpoint evaluations will be even more strict and be more strict in training. I know the dance of the test songs really well and I choreographed them myself"

"He's choreographed all these dances and we'll be evaluated by him, so I'm nervous. I still wasn't comfortable looking Jay in the face, I still don't understand why"

"You all have leaders, right?" He asked. "Ta-Ki, K, and Jungwon. Are the leaders doing well?"

"DNA team already has talented members so we're practicing individually" K started. "There are two rap part and two vocal parts and Jake hyung and Daniel know how to rap. It seems that the parts are properly distributed, so I think the song suits us well" Jungwon said.

"What about you, Ta-Ki?" Sung Deuk asked as he turned towards Ta-Ki. "Ah yes. I've never been a leader before.There have been challenging parts, but it's going well thanks to Heeseung hyung and Sunghoon hyung's help" Ta-Ki said.

"Which team do you feel most threatened by?" Sung Deuk asked. "Personally, Fake Love team," K said. "What about Fake Love team?" Sung Deuk asked. "DNA team" Heeseung spoke up.

"These two teams don't feel very threatened by the I Need U team. What do you think about that" said Sung Deuk.

"It'll be even more impressive if we can go beyond their expectations, so we're practicing hard to show them just that" Jungwon said.

"Okay so the most threatening DNA team, should we start with your midpoint evaluation?" Sung Deuk asked and looked towards.

We nodded and walked forward into our positions. Jay patted me on the shoulder as we walked to his position. I just ignored him as the music started.

After we finished our performance, we stood in a line facing the producers. Sung Deuk looked disappointed and I could feel K's eyes on me.

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