I-Land EP 7 (Part 1)

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We are going to introduce our next contestant. Emily.

—Clip Start—

"I was never a very social person and cut off from the world because I was always too busy worrying about my practice. I also wanted to get approval from my mother, who seemed to never see me as perfect no matter how many medals I won. She wanted a perfect daughter and made it seem as if I couldn't give it to her"

I-Land previews videos of her ballet recitals and figure skating competitions.

"My childhood in Seattle, I was raised by a very nice nanny who watched over me whenever my parents could not be in the state or country. She and my father cared for me the most and always cheered for me at competitions. They never bothered whether I was perfect or not and just showed support"

I-Land showed more videos of Volleyball and pictures of her in Japan, some with Ni-Ki.

"Living in Japan was the best time in my life. Whenever I first arrived, I knew very little Japanese and was thrown into this new world out of nowhere. My father helped me by putting me in a dance studio and there I met my first friend. He was younger than me, but was obsessed with becoming my best friend when I arrived"

"He helped me a lot with getting used to Japan. Whenever I was left alone in Japan because my parents left the country, he would convince his parents to let me stay with them. They treated me like another daughter and my father was grateful for them. He showed that by taking me, my friend and his sisters out to karaoke and ramyeon whenever he was in the country. The family also would take me on family vacations and eventually, I had my own corner in their house of my clothes and bed padding"

"In Japan, I became a backup dancer for SHINee with him and that's where I found my dream of becoming an Idol, so when I ended up moving to Korea, I tried my hardest to become a trainee. Eventually, I became one and that's when I really found my passion. I was a professional figure skater in America and in Japan I was one of the top volleyball players in Middle School and High School. I had my life planned out for me because of my parents, but threw it away to become a trainee"

"I ended up being the only girl at BigHit for a while and trained with TXT as well as Heeseungie. After they debuted, I didn't really know I would debut because very few girls became trainees with me. I was never allowed to train with them and it was like, I would never be given the chance to debut because I only trained with Heeseungie. Until I was invited to I-Land, so when I came here I decided I needed to do my best to debut because it could be my only chance"

—The clip ended—

The screen in front of me opened up as I walked inside and stood in the middle in front of all the producers.

I-Lander Emily has shown lots of strength as the only girl of I-Land. She proved through countless tests that she has the ability to stand against the boys with her powerful dancing, stable rap and vocal, plus her ability to use her expressions to the max. She has the most votes in France, Thailand and Germany.

"Emily, congratulations on making it this far," Doobu said as I bowed. "You are the person who works hard even if they never have to. I like that about you and how persistent you are to get everything perfect to make an enjoyable performance. I feel like a proud father watching you grow and I hope you continue showing us the hard work you put in" He added before setting down his mic.

"I'm really proud of you for making it to Part 2, Emily. I knew you had it in you, so congratulations" Bang PD said as I bowed again and walked over to my flag on the end beside K.

We stood there for a few seconds before Sunghoon started to walk towards the gate as we all followed in a line. As I walked by the producers I gave them a quick bow before turning towards the gate and walking up the stairs. I walked in and turned back to the entrance while standing in between Jake and K. As the gate turned away from the producers, I felt my muscles loosen up.

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