I-Land EP 8 (Part 3)

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After making up with Jay last night, I was able to relax and not worry about whatever I was worried about. I happily skipped out of my room wearing my pajama set and Ni-Ki's hanbok. Everyone was either in the pantry or sitting in the Living room.

"Good morning" I said and gave all the I-Landers sitting in the Living room a smile before walking into the pantry. "What's up with her?" Geonu asked as they turned towards me walking to the pantry.

Heeseung, Daniel and Sunghoon were all sitting at the table while I grabbed a few snacks. "Someone's in a good mood," Heeseung said. "Yep! I made up with Jay" I smiled and sat down across from him.

"Wow, really? Good for you!" Daniel said. As I was talking with them, Jay came walking into the pantry. "Good morning," He said before walking over to the shelves. "How has practice been going?" Sunghoon asked Jay as he stood behind me.

"Practice has been good. We're doing really well" He replied and I nodded along. "We're perfect" I said and gave a thumbs up.

"Oh by the way. Ni-Ki said he has a surprise for us before practice, so we should meet with him" Heeseung said. "Did he give out any hints?" I asked, Heeseung just shrugged. "Just said he wants to show us something"

"He did say it was a video involving you, so maybe some old dance videos?" Sunghoon questioned as I shot my head up. "Oh no" I mumbled before quickly getting out of my chair. "Nishimura Riki!" I yelled in Japanese and ran towards my room where Jake and Ni-Ki were in a corner on the Ipad.

"You had a reality show?" Jake asked as soon as I walked in. "Ni-Ki! You weren't supposed to show them!" I yelled and walked over to them before looking at the Ipad.

"It's funny though! I wanted to show everyone" He whined as I grabbed the Ipad from Jake. "Oh! It's this episode, actually I enjoy this one. Just don't show episode 8, it's embarrassing" I said before handing it back.

Heeseung, Jay and K came walking into our room. "What did you want so show us?" K asked. "Watch this!" Ni-Ki said and ran over to K with the Ipad. "What is this?" Jay asked.

"E-Chan's reality show from when she was a kid!" Ni-Ki said. "It's all in English" Heeseung mumbled, Ni-Ki had turned on the Japanese subtitles.

"She said not to watch episode 8, so let's watch it tonight," Ni-Ki teased. "Don't watch episode 8! Don't you dare" I complained.

"Let's do it, but we should get to practice again" Heeseung said as I quickly nodded and took the Ipad away from Ni-Ki. "Yes, practice. Let's go!" I quickly said and pushed everyone out of our room.

"Five, six..." K counted. We were trying to sync up during Hanbin's part. "Okay, Five, six..." K counted and helped Hanbin with the dance. Me and Jay stood on the side.

"Ni-Ki come here" K said to Ni-Ki who was standing beside me and Jay in the corner. "Ni-Ki, come, we're teaching him right now" K added. Ni-Ki kind of sulked over there

"Five, six, seven" K counted and started to show how to do it. I stared in the mirror and played with my hair. Jay grabbed some of my hair and held it into pigtails. "Cute," He smiled before letting go of my hair. "Let's join the others" I said and walked over to K who was helping Ni-Ki and Hanbin.

"Should we try group practice once more?" K asked as I nodded. "Hanbin's part?"I asked as he nodded and we got into position.

"Five, six" K counted as we started to dance. K taught us the details, but Ni-Ki was just sulking around, uninterested.

"Wait, wait" K said and looked at all of us. "To be honest, I'm really tired. I'm really tired" He said. "We're working as a team. Especially you" K said and pointed at Ni-Ki. I could tell he was being sarcastic. "Then..." Hanbin started.

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