° Chapter Fifteen °

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“So there really is something out there. Not sure if they're after me but after looking at those graves which happens to be near where I worked. I can actually tell that they're really after me. But why? What do I have that they need to get me?”

Michael mumbled out loud as he continue to drive through the path and kept checking his rear mirror to check if he was being tailed. Who knows what may appear out from the dark? As if that was a foreshadowing, something actually did. But whatever it was, it was not a Decepticon.

Michael pressed the brakes so hard when he saw a huge figure jumped onto the road and blocked his way. The car came to a halt with the tires screeching before it became motionless. “What the hell..?”

With the night almost settling in and he's half way back to the base. He can already imagine himself being lectured and scolded by Ratchet and Agent Fowler. Nevertheless, that was not his main concern right now. He lean closer to see what was blocking the road.

The figure moved like an animal but yet in mechanical movement. It stayed there for a moment, not until Michael slide the window open and peek his head out. He doesn't want to risk going out to check.

With the environment slowly becoming dark, Michael can still see. After all, he's used to it. He's been hiding in the dark so his vision adjusted on being able to see through the dark. Then the figure moved forward but slowly, crawling in all fours. As if it was stealthily hunting it's prey before it pounce.

“I-Is this..?”

He stopped himself and focused. He needed to get back to base as soon as possible. The figure may be blocking his path but it's not like it was the only path that could lead him back to the base. He shut the window and hold the wheel firmly before taking a deep breath.

“Okay, let the chase begin” He pedalled hard which causes the car to move and that alarmed the figure.

Immediately, the figure sprinted towards Michael before pushing it's hing legs and leap out to pounce on the car only for the car to reverse backwards and failed to land on the hood of it as the creature crashed on the ground and Michael heard those familiar noise, metal.

Without even more time to spare, Michael turn the wheel directing the car to drive pass the creature and make his way back on track and increase the speed limits while checking the rear mirror.

The creature got up and turn around and saw the car in the distance. If the creature had the ability to feel emotions, it'd be angered but it doesn't. The creature went after the speeding car. Even if the speed didn't match, the creature only cared of capturing it's target.

Michael saw this and chewed on his bottom lips, “That is not an actual animal is it? It's not a bear, there's no bears here and it doesn't look like a bear either. Could it be an animatronic? One that I couldn't find?”

But when he heard the metal clinking and clanking noises coming from the creature. It confirmed his theory. “Well, that must be the fourth one. It have must buried itself around here. Closer than I thought would be to finding me”

He continued to increase speed which the creature's speed couldn't match and it was fading away. It may not have the speed of a car nor the ability to feel emotions doesn't necessarily mean it's dumb.

Just as Michael was getting closer to his destination. His hand moved on his hand as the car made a hard curve and moved to the side. “What-” He caught his voice when he saw his side window to see a large boulder hit the previous side he's been. If he hadn't moved from that spot, he's be squashed.

“Holy shit!”

He looked at the rear mirror to see the creature. Seems like it gave up on giving chase and tried to aim a boulder instead but still failed. It finally gave up and just stayed where it was until the creature was fully out of view.

He didn't know if the creature was an animatronic and he didn't even want to check if it was, all he knows is that it looks like it was after him and wherever the others are, they're getting near too.

He turn his focus on the front view, on the road and saw the familiar building coming into view up ahead. “I'm here! Okay, gotta be quick!” He drove at the back of the base and parked alongside the other vehicles then quickly got off and ran for his life to reach the main lobby. Praying he had got in on time to avoid being caught.

When he arrived, he let out a deep breath and see what's going on with the Autobots. He expected to see Ratchet doing his own business on the monitors with Smokescreen and Bulkhead keeping eye on their Decepticon prisoner.

Instead, he came back to see his partner and Bulkhead unconscious on the ground. “S-Smokescreen?! Bulkhead?!”

His eyes spotted that Soundwave was not on the berth anymore and immediately clicked him that he must have escaped. But where was Ratchet?

The moment he thought of the medic, he look to the side and saw Agent Fowler unconscious as well and there he was. Ratchet being cornered by Soundwave with it's looking tentacles from the back of the Decepticons cornering the medic.

His chest felt heavy and tried to think of possible ways to stop Soundwave but what can he do? He's unarmed and even if he were to have a weapon, it won't do any damage to the enemy.

“Is he planning to kidnap Ratchet?”

Carefully, he slip into the shadows that's available around the room. The dark had became his ally a long time ago but at the same time it can become his enemy.

He move step by step along the shadow as he got nearer to Soundwave and Ratchet. In a rapid pace, he saw Ratchet being forced to be cornered and even afraid to fight against the Decepticon before him.

The more Soundwave got closer, his tentacles or tendrils spark with electricitiy as if to stun his enemies and that was what he was going to do to the medic. Although as he tried to be careful, he failed to notice something behind him that knock him off from the shadow. “Uwah!”

He gasped in surprise that his back land against the ground and quickly turned back to see a small robot that looked like it has wings. Then he remembered, it was Lazerbeak. “Michael?!”

Michael was the last thing Ratchet saw before being electrocuted by the tendrils of Soundwave. The moment the medic saw Michael tossed to the ground by Lazerbeak. He felt his spark skipped a beat and didn't even try to fight against Soundwave but instead tried to reach Michael but only to be electrocuted.


Michael saw Ratchet drop to the ground with a loud thud after being stunned by Soundwave. He staggered backwards as he tried to get up and as much as he wtf to run, he wanted to check on Ratchet.

Everything happened so fast that he was picked off from the ground and saw Lazerbeak flew towards the chassis of Soundwave before attaching itself to it.

He was met with the expressionless visor of the Decepticon. Scanning him closely before he left with not just Ratchet but Michael.

“Instead of being captured by an animatronic but instead by a Decepticon, twice”

Twisted [ TFP x FNAF | Book Two ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora