° Chapter Eleven °

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As Michael watched, the Predacon then had it's claws on Starscream before roaring on his face. Then the ball earlier took the Predacon's attention and grabbed the ball by its mouth and flew up and off to another direction, deserting the Decepticons.

"I gotta do something but what?! I'm just a human and Miko has an armor but I don't know if she's alright! Think Michael! Think! Even if I don't have a brain, use your head!"

He turn to the other two Decepticons. Trying to think of a plan. "You heard our Master, we must locate the Autobots as soon as I retrieve what belongs to me"

There laid Miko on the cracked ground and Michael felt his chest got heavier. As if he was controlled, he sneakily walked from behind. He's focused on saving Miko that he didn't know what he really was about to do.

Starscream stood by the armor where Miko is inside as he let out a "Tsk, tsk, tsk"

"Even the strongest armor can't protect the weakest of creatures"

As he jinxed himself, he was abruptly met with Miko as the armor rised. "Protected you, didn't it?" She let go of Starscream only to yank him again.

Michael saw that Miko was alright as he sigh in relief but then quickly dodge when Starscream was thrown and hit one of the Decepticons as they flew pass Michael.


He rush back to one of the boulders to take over and watch as Miko take on three Decepticons by herself with the aid of the armor. He smiled and raised his hand to cheer her on. "Go Miko! You got this!"

He whispered as she continued to fight against the three of them. As they fought, Michael spotted the Autobots rising from the cliff they had climbed out of and remembering what Ultra Magnus ordered them to do.

He turn back and head towards the ship while Miko fought them off. "But it's not like we need back up now do we?" He thought but kept going either way.

The Autobots watched from afar as Ultra Magnus saw the fight.


Bulkhead sounded shocked to see Miko fighting heads on with three Decepticons using the armor relic. Ultra Magnus looked impressed, "Perhaps you weren't wrong about the human after all"

Starscream was getting annoyed as he sharpen his claws. "You do know that I vanquished Cliffjumper don't you?"

"Big whoop, I snuffed Hardshell"

They glared at each other before seeing the Autobots behind her catching up to them. As he was about to retreat. He remembered a particular person.

He looked back to see Michael just about to reach the ship. He smirked as he let his arm out and shoot out a canon. "Let's see if he'll survive the blast"

Miko and the other Autobots saw who he was aiming for and gasped.


Michael turn around when he heard his name and saw the some kind of canon blaster flying right at him. As he should be worried and shocked, something in his triggered. Instead of trying to avoid it, he faced it. A voice guided him.

"Focus, aim and ready"


On point, Michael felt some energy flowing through him and even felt the scraps of metal inside of him moving through his body avoiding touching the walls of the flesh.

Just before the thing could hit him, he grabbed it, with his bare hands and something was holding it as well but not by him, but something inside of him did
He used all his might and threw the canon up the air and exploded which made the ground shake momentarily.

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