We Belong Together

Start from the beginning

War always knew that he would be settling down with a woman…but when he met Yin, all of that changed. He liked Yin…they were best friends…well…more to friends with benefit…at least to his side. They slept together numerous times throughout the years they’ve known each other. He always gone to Yin when the urges come and Yin was the only guy that he trust that can fulfil his desires. He’s not gonna lie but the thought of being together with Yin crossed his mind now and then.

But why is he getting married to a girl? It’s the question that War desperate for an answer. He loved Maya…she’s a sweet girl…understanding and nice…a little too nice for her own good sometimes.

*You’re not gay War…you just love sticking your dick in asses and getting pounded by a dick in your ass…* his conscious said in sarcasm. He wanted to deny the fact but his fear of what would happen still engulfed him.


The house were filled with people…celebrating the newlyweds-to-be. Maya and her parents were among the crowd and War just smiled when she waved at him.

            “War…” his mom said, when he walked into the kitchen bring an empty bowl of chips that needs to be refilled.

            "Mae…where’s the extra chips?” he asked.

            “In that cupboard over there…” she answered, pointing with her lips. “Where’s Yin? Is he coming?”

            “He might be late…he said something about technical problem at the office…”

            “Really? I would be surprised if he showed up…”

            “What’s that supposed to mean?” War stared at his mother.

            “Nothing…” Jan wiped her hands with a towel and walked towards his son. “War…can I talk to you?”

            “Sure…what’s up?” War said, pouring the chips in the bowl.

            “Do you think this is right? Getting married to Maya…”

            “Mae…we’ve talked about it…I’m marrying her…she’s nice, understanding…she’s perfect…”

            “I know that…but…are you gonna be happy with her? I mean…really happy?”

            “Mae…” War said with a deep frown on his forehead.

            “I just want all the best for you War…I don’t care who you chose to love as long as you’re happy…that’s all I wanted for you…” Jan held his son’s hand.

            “I’m happy mae…Maya made me happy…”

            “If you say so…but I’m still saying that this is wrong…”

War walked away ignoring his mom’s words.

Yin came and said hi to a few people he knew. He hugged War’s sisters and their husbands and greeted Maya's family.

            "Mae...your other son is here..." Yin said when he found War's mom sitting alone on a bench at far corner of the room.

              "Yin...I thought you’re not coming…” the older woman gave Yin a warm hug.

            “Just got a held up at the office…where’s dad?” Yin sat next to her.

            “Probably at the bar, having a drink with his office buddies…” Jan watched as War and Maya together talking to bunch of friends. “Why aren’t you there?”

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