"I-I'm sorry, I think I got snot all over your h-hoodie" Aurora eventually said one her sobs died down slightly. She pulled away from Synn to look down at where she had her face buried and grimaced at the wet patches.

Synn looked at her face. Red cheeks and nose. Swollen eyes and lips. Loose curls stuck to her face also with her tear stains. She looked a mess. Yet Synns heart still raced when she looked at him through wet eyelashes. He lifted a hand to her face to brushe her hair away.

Aurora looked into his eyes, finding them to be her new favourite home. They were a green that mimicked the endless greenery in a forest. An enchanted one, full of life and mystery. He pulled his hood down once he entered her room, without knownst to himself to be honest. It just came natural. She was glad he did.

"Its only a hoodie, baby" He said distractedly, tucking her hair behind her ear. He didn't notice the endearment her just said, it being a slip of the tounge. Aurora did however. She dropped her head back onto his chest, feeling her cheeks blush crimson and not wanting him to see.

"I like it when you call me that"

Now it was Synns turn to blush crimson.


"Any update?" Levi said, walking into the room. The room was basically an IT room, where Atlas usually did his investigating with the shit ton of computers in the room. He was sitting down at one of the screens, four other screens around him which were also occupied. He was concentrating heavily and didn't even acknowledged Levi as he entered the room. Alaric was standing beside Atlas, on hand resting on the back of his chair and the other on the desk beside his keyboard. He eyes all the screens, watching what he was doing. He heard Levi, but simply chose to ignore him instead. Levi came to stand behind Atlas chair and glanced at the screens also.

"I have a list of names. Screen 2" Atlas said distractedly. A list of eight names came up on one of the screens. Alaric and Levi both looked closer at the screen. Neither one of them recognised any of the names.

"Who were they sent by?" Levi asked.

"Thats what I'm trying to find out but-" The screen Atlas was working on froze in front of him. He frowned. Suddenly the screen glitched and fell blank.

"Fuck!" Atlas groaned, slamming the desk.

"What happened?" Levi asked, stressed out at this stage.

"They kicked me out of the system. I'm gonna have to try again on another laptop. I won't get back in on one of these, they all have the same identification and they'll cop it straight away" Atlas sighed, running hisbhands through his hair.

"Print that" Alaric said, pointing at the screen with the list of names. Atlas did as he said without a word. Alarc snatched the sheet from the printer and left the room.

Levi looked down and seen the worn out look in Atlas's face. He grinned his teeth together awkwardly, thinking about Alarics words. He slapped his hand down knto Atlas's shoulder.

"Its alright, we have a list of names so that's good for now. We don't know how dangerous these people are yet so don't stress. Take it easy and make sure you get through it safely" He said sincerely, though his voice sounded slightly strained. Atlas turned around and looked up at him with an odd look. When he seen the genuine look on Levis face however, he softened his gaze and nodded softy. Levi nodded in return, giving his shoulde rone last squeeze before leaving the room.

Not long later, Alaric showed up at Dunes with the piece of paper crumpled in his hands. Bruise was at the bar, his back turned towards Alaric who was striding across the room until he was leaning against the bar, two hands flat on the counter top.

"I need a favor" He said bluntly. Bruise winced slightly before turning around to face him. He knew why he was here.

"I'm not telling you about those men" Bruise said, nodding towards the piece of paper under his hand. Alaric frowned in confusion before growing slightly annoyed.

"Why not?" He demanded. Bruise sighed and looked around the room, finding it empty apart from two old men chatting in one of the back corner booths.

"No point telling you about a dead man, now, is there?" He hummed. Alarics face softened slightly as he sat down in one of the stools. He grew confused.

"Dead? They were very alive last night"

"Yes, and now they're very dead"

"Quit with the vagueness, Bruise. My little sister was nearly killed last night by a shower of cunts and we need answers" Alaric eventually snapped, loosing his patience entirely. Bruise looked down at the counter. Alaric watched as the clogs in his heard turned. When he looked back up at Alaric, he had a reluctant look on his face.

"Alaric, they weren't after Aurora last night, they were after you. Your name is on our hit list"


Holy shit, I am so sorry for the delay. I'm in the middle of doing my Leaving Cert and have been crazy busy the last few weeks studying for it. I don't finish until the 23rd of June, but after that, updates will become wayyyy for frequent.

Thank you so much for baring with me, again, I'm so sorry for keeping ye waiting.


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