Chapter Thirty One: The Thing is...

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*******Kit's POV*******

As I walked down the hill with everyone else, we slowly added to our group. Jin and Kris joined us next, though I had honestly thought that she was still in our condo, hiding in her room, like she had been since I got here. At first, I thought that it was me. Maybe she didn't like me? But then Mandy and Mairette had explained that it was a problem with her soulmates and their bond, and had nothing to do with me. 

So I had started leaving food outside of her room for her to eat and even a little stuffed RJ doll, because Mandy told me that he was her favorite BT21 character. I didn't want to push her, but I wanted her to know that I was there if she needed somebody to talk to, even though we didn't know each other that well. Yet. I like Kris, and I plan on forcing her into a friendship with me the same way that I had Mandy.

I didn't know that she had left or when. She looked pretty, though. Her long, strawberry blonde hair was pulled into a neat side braid, and she had on a green dress with a short but poofy skirt, that perfectly complimented her hair and eyes.

Mairette, Hobi, and Jungkook were next to join as we got closer to the building that they would be using to shoot the show. The entire building was for the show. Everybody that was participating was going to this party tonight. Kind of a pre-shoot party, to get to know everyone. It would be really awkward if the viewers sent you on a date with someone, thinking that they might be your soulmate, and you didn't even know their name. So...this party was just a get-to-know you kind of thing. I much preferred it to the way that other shows did things. 

I looked over at Taehyung as we walked. He had stayed close the whole time, walking next to me with a couple of feet of space between us. Even the profile of his face was gorgeous. I kind of have a thing for ears, and his are cute. Though the way that his hair dipped down in front of and over the top of them, I'm pretty sure that he tries to hide them most of the time, which is a shame.

His jawline was pretty amazing, too. And his eyes. I don't even know how to describe them. Something about the shape of them is just so beautiful. And he does this thing with his eyebrows when he talks, like they're a full-on part of the conversation. It was kind of sexy.

I quickly looked away from him. If I kept going, that was going to be dangerous. I'd end up with a big crush on him, which would turn slightly obsessive, thanks to the overly annoying hyper-fixation that comes with my ADHD. Then I would really have no chance with him.

Not that I have a chance now. He's Kim Taehyung, and I'm...a potato. And not like a sexy red potato, either. Just a plain, old, ugly, lumpy potato.

I sighed and turned my head the other way, looking out over the river. I think that Mandy told me it was the Han River. Yeah...I'm pretty sure that that was it. Either way, just looking at the water relaxed me a little. Water has always had that effect on me. Why I hadn't applied to be on the boat, teaching with Mandy, Kris, and Mairette, I have no idea. They had suggested that I apply when they docked in Charleston for a few days before they set off around the world. It only took me about a week after they left to regret not doing it.

Oh well. At least I was here, now, right? I had said yes seconds after Mandy had asked me. I usually over-thought everything and made pro/con lists, but not this time. This time I decided to just be brave and adventurous.

"You should see it at night," a deep voice said from next to me. I turned to look at Taehyung. "The bridges all light up. It's pretty."

"Oh...I'd like to see that," I told him. "What time does it get dark this time of year?" It was late spring/early summer. Back home, it was light until around 7:30 right now, maybe even a little later. But we have Daylight Savings Time, and I don't have any idea if South Korea does something like that.

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