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Pictures were taken first thing on Alice's insistence, though Carlisle and Abigail tried desperately to disappear upstairs so they could have some time alone as finally husband and wife. But, as soon as they decided it, Alice was glaring them into submission so they had to patiently wait for Sue Clearwater—who had offered to take photos as her wedding gift—to take seemingly hundreds of photos of the whole wedding party. Jacob and Charlie wanted nothing to do with it, but Abigail tried both guilt tripping—which worked for Charlie—and finally pouting—which worked for Jacob—to get them to behave and at least stand still for a couple of them. When they again tried to get upstairs to spend some alone time, Alice and Emmett dragged them outside for the reception. Abigail was all for skipping it, but the least she could do was grant this wish for her daughter, who was so excited about the decorations and the cake that she had picked out.

Luckily it was on the smaller side—well, at least by Alice standards—as it had only four tiers with randomly placed white, lavender, and peach flowers. On a couple pedestals around the base were cupcakes decorated just the same that were mainly for Carlie, who had a sweet tooth and would have them gone by the end of the night, though the wolves helped themselves to a couple before it was time to cut the big cake only to face Alice's death stare until they slowly backed away and avoided her eyes as they filled their plates with the buffet food. Part of Abigail wished she could eat it as it looked incredible, but that was the lingering of humanity in her veins, because it smelled horrible and give it a year or two, and it would look like nothing more than slop.

Sticking with just the champagne that she tried the smallest sip of and decided it tasted like cat urine, she poured it out and went about mingling between the guests. The length of the dress started to get to her so she and Alice worked on picking up the train to pin to her side so she could walk and dance without tripping over anything, which even as a vampire, she was afraid she was going to do. The first dance with her and Carlisle was beautiful and venom tears lingered in her eyes the whole time. Never did they take their eyes off each other, focused merely on how it felt to be together. It was another song that Edward surprised them with, one he had Bella help him with apparently.

The father daughter dance was with Charlie and surprisingly he didn't seem as awkward as she thought he would be. Of course that might have something to do with her leading, to which he didn't exactly look happy about, but she just winked at him and kept going. Towards the end, Carlisle and Alice swept onto the dance floor and Abigail decided it was a beautiful sight, her husband and daughter together. After that was done, Abigail was swept into Carlisle's arms once more before taking turns with Edward, Jasper, Jacob, and finally Emmett who didn't want to seem to let her go, but Alice made him when it was time to cut the cake.

But all through the ceremony and the reception, Abigail couldn't help but think about the honeymoon. While they did get one after their first wedding, this one would be far more extravagant and far more passionate, at least that's what Abigail thought. Carlisle wasn't one to hold back on money, and considering they still had those fifty years to make up for, she had a feeling that they wouldn't be leaving their bedroom for a few weeks. And since the threat of the Volturi was gone—they had told her all about what happened with Carlie and Irina and the Volturi during those few months in between Bella's wedding and the next time Abigail saw them—they had nothing to worry about or take care of until they decided to get back. And the children already knew not to call them unless absolutely necessary, and Emmett already decided that he wouldn't be the one to do so, "because I already heard Mom and Dad have sex enough as it is, I don't need to her it over the phone." Everybody had laughed at that, but the look on the poor boy's face made Abigail coo her apologies to him.

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