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It's My Birthday I Can Beg If I Want To



Abigail was almost afraid at what would be waiting for her at home—home is back with Beth, she told herself, but I wish it was here—once she and Carlisle left work. As he promised, he waited for her in the lounge to finish up and then helped her with her coat and purse, and led her out into the hallway.

"Promise me she won't do anything too over the top," she mumbled as she buttoned her coat and then reached for his hand.

He chuckled. "You know I can't do that, love."

She mumbled curses under her breath about "insolent child" and he simply smirked at her in amusement as they headed for his Mercedes. It was colder out than that morning and she paused outside the car to dig her gloves from her bag when she heard her name.

A low growl left Carlisle's throat as apparently he caught who the voice belonged to before she did as she had to spin around to see. Brett Jones came jogging for them, his smile friendly even though his eyes flashed coldly as he looked between Abigail and Carlisle's obvious affection. She pulled on the gloves and immediately her stomach knotted in distaste and she reached over to clutch Carlisle's hand for both their sakes, knowing as soon as Dr. Jones was gone, she would have her fingers buried in Carlisle's hair.

"Dr. Jones," she said smoothly, professionally. She had managed to avoid him all day and work only with the other ER doctor, and older woman named Dr. Eve, but apparently he was just waiting to accost her in the parking lot.

"Haven't seen you all day, kid, where've you been?" He stopped in front of her, not even looking at Carlisle as he grinned down at her. She shifted uncomfortably, realizing at the last moment that she had shifted slightly behind Carlisle. Her stomach twisted again as she prayed he didn't try and touch her, she would probably get sick again.

"Around," she answered simply.

He nodded, not seeming to get the hint. "Feeling better? Mackenzie told me you were off in medical leave." Only then did his eyes flash to Carlisle, but came back quickly as fear sparkled them. She had a feeling she knew what he had seen in Carlisle's eyes.

"I'm fine. Thanks to Carlisle here." She took another much needed step closer to him and her other hand also touched his arm. "My own personal knight in shining armor." She smiled up at him adoringly and his eyes grew softer as he glanced at her, but she knew they hardened back up into a predatory gaze once she looked away.

Dr. Jones's eyes narrowed a bit and he paused, seeming to think something through, before giving a nod. "Good thing Cullen was there." His words were forced, and she hated the way he spat out Carlisle's last name.

"Very," she insisted. "I'm sorry, we have to get going. It's my birthday and we have a party waiting for us."

Dr. Jones's eyes lit up. "Wow, no way. Happy Birthday, Abs!" He moved into hug her, her breath caught and she nearly vomited right then, but that's when Carlisle stepped in.

"Goodnight, Dr. Jones," he said stiffly and tugged Abigail backwards and helped her into the car. Dr. Jones said nothing as Carlisle stalked around to his side and climbed in. But she could see the other doctor's eyes had changed, hard and cold as he stared at them. He continued to stare even as Carlisle quickly turned the car on, and squealed out of the parking lot.



Fucking bitch! Think she can lead me on like that? his mind roared as he turned and stomped back to his own car, an old shabby black Oldsmobile Cutlass. It rocked as he got in and sputtered to a start, the motions and sounds making him seethe as he slammed on the pedal and barely jolted forward. He knew he had been getting somewhere with her, just like when he had been headed straight for chief of the ER. But then Cullen showed up and fucked everything up, taking his job and his self respect. Now he's taken Brett's girl, and every bit of control he had went out the window.

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