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If sleep were possible for vampires, he was pretty sure he would be exhausted. The previous night haunted him and he didn't move from his usual spot at the window until daylight broke and he knew he had to get around for work. Even then he thought of calling off, but the day wasn't sunny and he didn't know if he could sit around and listen to the echoes of her fury. It was understandable and he apologized to his family for letting it get there. And really, as Alice pointed out, he should apologize to Abigail as well for letting her believe they could ever be apart of her life. That was his fault, thinking it could work, but it couldn't. She had this second chance and he wouldn't be the one to ruin it for her.

"You know she's remembering," Edward said as he appeared behind Carlisle silently, his face reflected in the window with the soft morning light, just a hint of sun before it disappeared behind the cover of clouds. "We haven't seen her for a week except for a couple minutes at a time. But she's still remembering. Who's to say she doesn't remember it all? Then we're left with your Abigail who's confused and hurt that the man who changed her and promised to love her for eternity suddenly no longer wants anything to do with her."

"She's not a vampire anymore, Edward. This is better for her."

Edward sighed. "Shouldn't she be making that decision? She's an adult, Carlisle, and she doesn't need you to hold her hand. Remember how she acted when you tried to keep her inside every time something weird happened."

Carlisle turned his dark gaze to Edward. "Yes. I remember. Later that night, she was taken from me."

Edward shook his head. "For almost two hundred years you tried to keep her inside and it never worked. What happened... That doesn't mean she's weak."

"I never said she was." His Abigail was one of the strongest people he knew.

"But that's what you're acting like. Ask Jasper, those dreams...those memories...only confuse and hurt her more. She's been having the nightmare for years, so it's not just us that brought that on." He paused. "Besides, what if a vampire like Victoria came into town and decided it wanted her? Don't you think she's safer with us than alone?"

Carlisle winced as his already aching heart worsened. "Jacob and the wolves..."

"Maybe. But wouldn't you feel worse if for some reason, they failed?"

Carlisle growled and looked away from him. Edward knew the answer, of course. But he needed Carlisle to answer it himself.

"Yes," he hissed, walking away from him, effectively ending the conversation. Because of course Edward was right, he would rather keep her there and protect her himself rather than relying on the wolves. They could keep her safe, but it didn't matter, because Carlisle needed her there, with him. If she got hurt again, if he lost her a second time, he knew he wouldn't survive that. He would cave to selfish wishes and take himself out. So letting someone else guard her was out of the question. He needed her with him.

Quietly he knocked on Alice's door and when she acknowledged him, he went in. She was at her desk penning something, and looked over at him in surprise when she saw it was him. "I was expecting Edward," she said, confused. "What's wrong, Carlisle?"

He paused only for a moment. "I need you to come to the hospital with me today." Alice frowned. "I need you to extend an invitation to Abigail to join us for dinner tonight. If she declines, that's fine," He was expecting it, "but I want to at least offer." He paused. "I've...I've given in. Edward is correct. I can't have someone else taking care of her. At least in regards to her safety. I've already come to terms with her being with someone else," No he hadn't, the beast roared and shook its cage, chanting Mine, Mine, MINE over and over again, "but I can't let something else like Victoria happen."

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