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Around midnight the packs started to leave with Sam saying that La Push had been unprotected long enough. He gave her a quick hug as they headed out the door with another, "Sorry again for scaring you." That was the third time that night and once again she waved him off. He didn't hurt her and didn't mean to scare her, so she couldn't be upset with him for doing so. She still felt safe with them, and she didn't see that changing anytime soon.

But Edward's words haunted her the closer it got to being her left alone with the Cullens. It was just Jacob and Seth left—she still couldn't believe little Seth was in the pack—but they had to leave to look around Forks and make sure none of their lines got interrupted. Jacob said their five were focused on Forks and Sam's pack took La Push; there was more than enough for them all to patrols.

Jacob stood there the longest hugging her and pulled back with his hands on her shoulders, frowning. "You're not leaving now." It wasn't a question, but rather a surprised statement. Slowly she shook her head. "Be careful going home, okay? I know you've got your car, but humor me."

Abigail opened her mouth to respond, but Alice beat her to it. "Don't worry, she'll be spending the night here, we won't let anything happen to her." The girls cool arm—the same temperature as the outside and Edward—came around her shoulders and Abigail glanced up at Jacob who had his eyebrow raised.

"Sure," she said, a bit uneasily, but she surprisingly felt as safe there as she did with Jacob. She meant what she said to Edward, she trusted him and by extension his family, but that didn't mean she didn't feel uneasy being there. She finally met Rosalie and Carlie, and they all seemed nice enough—though she couldn't tell if Rosalie's look had been jealousy, anger, or sadness; maybe it was a combination—so she knew she wasn't in any real danger.

"Alright," Jacob said, sounding a bit more satisfied that she would be there and not alone, so he gave her one more hug before heading out to his Rabbit. After that it was silent there in the great room and she slowly turned to look at Alice who stood next to her, smiling happily.

"I didn't know I was staying. I don't have clothes—"

"Well, good thing we do," Alice interrupted before she could go on.

"I can't take your clothes," Abigail argued.

Alice waved a hand. "Please, it's nothing. Now come, let's go get changed and we can chat." The pixie left no room for argument as she gripped her arm and tugged her for the stairs. Abigail glanced back at Edward who smiled and she sighed, following Alice back into the room she had stayed in the night she was plucked off the road by Alice and Emmett.

Once again she was given some silk number, but this time it was mid-thigh length shorts and a camisole. She shook her hair out of the clips and tugged it back into a loose braid, feeling it swing to the middle of her back. She scrubbed off the little makeup she had on and for a moment wished she could soak her feet because they ached from the heels, but she had a feeling Alice had more plans for her than being lazy. She felt better after she became a bit more casual and gave a smile to Alice who had changed into something similar to her own, but it was a nightgown. She sat on the bed so perfectly that Abigail felt frumpy for a moment, but she didn't let it stop her from falling next to her on the soft mattress.

"Thank you so much for the pajamas. They're so comfy."

Alice grinned. "You don't have to thank me, silly. Tonight will be a lot of fun."

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