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Happy Valenti-- Birthday! 



The whole family had split into sides as soon as the question registered in everyone's mind. Clearly they knew what she was asking and there was a loud silence before the bickering began. Abigail sat off to the side in the chair, Jacob next to it on the floor, and they quietly watched the argument. Even Carlisle had gotten up to put in his two cents, though he lingered close enough to Abigail that his fingers could touch her shoulder or hair.

Alice and Emmett were for her turning as they wanted her back in the family completely as she should be. Edward, Rosalie, and Jasper were against it because they didn't want to end her life when she had another chance at being human. Carlisle and Bella were torn as they weren't sure what they wanted, though the latter of the two didn't seem to want to get involved at all, not that anybody blamed her.

"They usually like this?" Jacob asked her quietly, not breaking through the sounds of the bickering.

Abigail sighed. "Only on the days where the earth rotates." Jacob snorted and she sent him a smirk.

"Do you really want to damn her like the rest of us when she has this new chance at being human?" Edward said angrily, his face set in a grim line as Carlisle's hand tightened ever so slightly on her shoulder.

"Don't you think that should be her decision?" Alice growled, hands tight on her thin hips.

But they just let them go at it until a growl from Carlisle broke through the loud voices and they all looked at his aggravated face. Abigail reached for his hand and clung to it as he sat on the edge of the chair.

"The final decision is mine and Abigail's. We will discuss it later." But Abigail couldn't help but think, I don't think they want me anymore. It's like I'm still dead to them. Edward's wince told her that he heard, and wouldn't meet her eyes. She frowned. Sorry, Edward. She forced the thoughts away even as she couldn't help that they came to her. It hurt, it really did, to hear arguments against her joining them again. True, it wasn't a light topic, and they did make some sense, but she couldn't help making it personal.

But for the night, the matter was done. Carlisle pulled Abigail up and towards the kitchen where Bella followed and quickly begun to make her some food. It was about five AM at that time, and it was Wednesday so theoretically she could go to work, but she didn't like that idea one bit.

Turning to him, she slid over into his lap where he wrapped around her easily and without complaint as he spoke quietly with Emmett who had followed them. She had a feeling he would be sticking close from now on, and she found that she didn't mind one little bit. It actually made her smile.

But it seemed her troubled mind drew Carlisle's attention as Emmett waved a hand in front of her face and gestured to the eggs and bacon in front of her.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" Carlisle murmured, nuzzling into her neck and immediately she relaxed, head tilting to the side.

"I don't want to go to work," she mumbled.

He shook his head. "I took you out on medical leave this week." She looked up quickly and he smiled adoringly, tucking a kick of escaped hair behind her ear. "I also backdated it to the days you missed last week so they can't come down on you for it. You could probably also get disability pay once they read my report. But I didn't know when you would wake and if I didn't do medical, they would ask too many questions."

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