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Almost Ready



It took only twenty minutes or so to go the usual hour into Port Angeles, but that was probably from Emmett driving a hundred and twenty the whole way. Not that anybody in the car or the one following complained; they all would've driven the same had it been them. But it made them early enough that they could stop for some quick breakfast for Carlie—she didn't eat human food often, preferred blood, even now that Bella and Edward were weening her towards animal blood—and then off to the dress shop that Alice had called ahead for. It was by appointment only and that told Abigail that it was fancy, really fancy, and thought about telling her it wasn't necessary, but she could see how excited her daughter was, so she refrained. The last thing she wanted to do was disappoint the girl as she knew how much this meant to her.

"We'll get the bridesmaids, maid of honor, and flower girl settled and then work on yours," Alice told Abigail as she opened the door. Abigail nodded and shot a quick text to Carlisle that they arrived before following her daughter inside.

The sales assistant was named Heather and she seemed very nice. The others eyed Abigail, but she didn't feel an ounce of thirst as she shook the woman's hand and smiled pleasantly. Luckily in the car Alice had remembered to give her some contacts that would cover her red eyes and they had many more pairs as the venom would surely dissolve them after a couple hours. At least she wasn't frightening the poor girl with predator eyes.

"Have you decided colors?" she wondered as she led the group over to the bridesmaids aisle.

The store was on the smaller side, but that's because they were so exclusive. The cheapest dress Abigail noticed was around thirteen hundred dollars and she nearly choked, but knew that even back in the fifties that would've been nothing to their family, let alone now. Not only was there growing interest, but Alice was amazing at stocks. Carlisle was worth roughly thirty-four billion and she knew that the dress would be nothing but pocket change to them. And she knew her fiance would give her anything she wanted, so she swallowed back the stigma of saving and counting pennies from the last twenty-two years and just focused on the dresses.

"I'm thinking white, peach, and lavender?" she said, her voice a question as she glanced to Alice. Alice's eyes went unfocused for a moment, too short for Heather as a human to notice as the others did, but finally she grinned and nodded.

"That's perfect!" she exclaimed, bouncing a couple times and clapping. "I'll wear purple, the bridesmaids can wear peach. You and Carlisle can wear white, but we'll match the groomsmen to us. Edward in lavender; Emmett and Jasper in peach."

"Do you sell tuxes?" Rosalie asked Heather.

Heather nodded and gestured to her right. "The shop next door is ours, but it's our men's department. We have colors that match every dress in this store."

"Good," Alice said. "We can get Emmett's today," she said tapping Emmett's bicep, "and then come back with the others tomorrow or Wednesday for their fittings."

"How soon will these dresses and tuxes be ready?" Rose asked.

"Usually it takes about three to four weeks."

"That should be fine, the wedding will be in a couple months." Abigail's eyes slid to Alice for a second, but she knew her daughter could pull it off. Edward and Bella's wedding had only taken a couple months. When it came to things like this, Alice was relentless.

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