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The Ruse



The rest of the weekend and well into Monday morning found them taking each other softly, roughly, and everything in between. Neither could say they were completely satiated as they had fifty years to make up for. But, they were satisfied for the moment because they had work to do. Alice would be up soon to drag Abigail away for dress shopping with the other women, and Carlisle had to work with the other men to figure out what to do. During their down time, which was only about two minutes in between each round, if that, they discussed the situation. Clearly Abigail couldn't go back to work; she was much too different. Not only her eyes, but her skin was different. The lines of her body were a little bit sharper, she did indeed shrink an inch or two during transformation, and her hair was slightly different as well. Not to mention she was colder and much stronger than she had been the previous week. And while she was confident—as was Carlisle—that she was strong enough to avoid slipping and drinking from humans, they didn't want to take the chance someone would see she's different and question it.

So it was decided that they would tell everyone—except those on the reservation and Charlie—that she died, and Jones had killed her. Carlisle worked tirelessly to heal her, but it was unsuccessful. Billy, Sue, and Old Quil knew of the secret and while Charlie didn't, he knew Bella had "changed" and knew not to ask questions, so they knew he could handle Abigail's change as well. Plus Abigail refused to hurt him that way by faking her death, and they all knew since he would be around for Bella, it would be easier for him to know Abigail was alive and keep that fact a secret rather than having to hide her each time. The guys would be making calls and arrangements, first to those in on the secret—which would also of course include the packs besides the humans—and then tell the general public of her demise. Jones would be tried for not only her kidnapping, but also her murder. The charges filed were kidnapping, assault, attempted murder, harassment, molestation, and now murder would be added onto that. Considering they had the video evidence, there would be no way he was getting free. Of course a body has to be produced, but as a doctor, Carlisle had contacts in science labs for cadavers and could get one of general height and weight to Abigail to be cremated in her place so there would be no questions. There would also be evidence they would provide to Charlie so they could show it at the trial, like medical records and such.

Frankly Carlisle wasn't thrilled about the idea because he would be forced to go in as a witness in court since he not only was one of those that found her, but also took care of her in an attempt to save her. And he would also have to go with the rest of the family and the packs as a mourner, but he had already told her since he knew the feeling as he had experienced it before, he would be fine. The wry comment earned him some fingers in his hair. But other than Charlie, the packs, and those three humans on the reservation, the rest of Forks would think Abigail Goodwin was dead.

"That includes Beth," Abigail had remembered during one of their intermissions and she decided to write up something and have Jasper help her fake it so the house and money was left to her friend, as a will of sorts, so she wouldn't have to worry about moving or losing it. While she was sad she would never see her again, Abigail knew the less people that knew, the better. There was no getting around the packs, Billy, Sue, or Old Quil knowing, and she had begged for Charlie to be included.

"And I still want him to walk me down the aisle." She had pouted until Carlisle gave in, earning a squeal and a blow job from her as her payment of gratitude. It would all be arranged as soon as Monday arrived and they finished with their consummation, but also so they could give people the weekend for some happiness.

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