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Kiss the Bride


-Two Months Later-

"You really need to stop moving or I might stick this bobby-pin in your eye."

The fact that that was the forth time her daughter had said that to her in the past ten minutes told Abigail that not only was she being annoyingly twitchy, but that she was incredibly nervous, which was an odd feeling for the vampire. The last two months had flown by and she wanted nothing more than to just get to the wedding so she could finally stop being nervous, but more important, finally be Abigail Cullen again. Already she was having Jasper help her get in contact with Jenks to get all of her identification changed around to Cullen so that she wouldn't have any problems when time came to the honeymoon and getting out of the country, not that he was telling her where they were going. He was being quite secretive with everyone except for Alice and Edward, and she knew that they only knew because Alice saw his decision and Edward saw her vision and Carlisle's thoughts. And as much as she bribed them, they wouldn't tell her a thing.

"I'm your mother, you should be on my side," she had complained to them, thinking that that would get her somewhere. That and promising to take them up to the Canadian wilderness where some of the best tasting animals were—if it were still the same now that it was fifty years later—but that still didn't get them, though she saw that Edward really wanted to, however one stomp on his foot from Alice had him changing his mind.

Now that the day was there, the day she would become Abigail Cullen again, she still didn't know where she and Carlisle were going, but the nerves over the ceremony hit her far too hard for her to focus on that night when they would be leaving for their honeymoon. Since Charlie now, more or less, knew about vampires, Alice had made the ceremony for one PM and it would be on the east side of the house to minimize the sun exposure. He might know, but that didn't mean he was comfortable with it or that he wanted to know, so it would make it easier for him if half of the guests didn't shimmer.

The guest list was small, but easy and straight forward. Besides the bride and groom, there were their children. First to go out would be Carlie with the flowers and the rings tied onto the basket. Jasper and Bella, as a groomsman and bridesmaid, would be second. Next would be Emmett and Rosalie as another groomsman and bridesmaid, and at the end would be Alice and Edward as Alice was matron of honor and Edward was best man. Abigail and Charlie would be last while Carlisle would be at the front with Jacob waiting for the rest of them.

While Jacob, Charlie, and Carlie wouldn't have to worry about the sun, there were others that did: the Denalis—Kate, Tanya, Eleazar, and Carmen, who all agreed to join them, though they didn't fully understand Abigail's return; they knew her briefly before she died—and then half of the Egyptian coven—Tia and Benjamin, who agreed to only hunt in Seattle, nowhere closer. The rest of them would all be wolves and humans: Billy Black, Old Quil Ateara, Embry Call, Quil Ateara, Sam Uley, Emily Young, Leah Clearwater, Seth Clearwater, Sue Clearwater, Jared Cameron, and Paul Lahote. Alice wanted to invite all of the wolves and their families, but Abigail put her foot down and, of course, Carlisle agreed with her so only the ones they were closest with were invited. Unlike Edward and Bella's wedding, they had no problem in coming—except for Leah, who was dragged there by Seth and Sue—and they weren't sure if it was because they all grew up with Abigail, or because the tension between them and the Cullens no longer existed. They were teammates, for lack of a better term, and they all respected that.

But Abigail had no time to think about the others as Alice was currently glaring at her in the mirror while she got herself under control. Abigail rolled her eyes at Alice's hollow threat and just worked to still her entire body so that she didn't have to go find her fiance to have him try and remove a bobby-pin from her eye.

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