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While she had wanted to continue to believe her own sad thoughts about his motives, his words practically squashed any fight she had in her. Despite his previous words, she did believe him and she trusted him with every fiber of herself. It made her choke on guilt as she thought about her horrible words, both to herself and Emmett, and as soon as she could she would pull him aside and apologize to her son for putting that on his shoulders. He didn't deserve that and she was ashamed of her actions. At least, like Carlisle said, they had forever for her to make it up to him.

"Can I go see my children?" she asked once their lips parted, though honestly she was torn between needing to see them and taking a couple hours... Or days... Or weeks... And just not letting Carlisle out of the room, having her wicked way with him. His pause made her frown, though, and she tilted her head to the side. "I'm not going to hurt them."

He sighed. "I know. It's not that. It's just..." He paused again. "I haven't let anyone in here since we got back. I couldn't. You were injured and in agony." His eyes grew haunted. "You were so vulnerable and...and your state of undress..."

She suddenly flashed to the basement and wished she could forget, but had a feeling she never would. She winced and looked down quickly, seeing herself clean and in fresh pajamas, scrubbed of anything. She tugged up her top and saw smooth skin, no sign of a bullet wound. A touch to her shoulder told her there was smooth skin there as well. She faintly remembered having a fever, but of course that was gone well.

His face looked pained as she met his eyes again and she reached up to run her fingers along his cheek

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

His face looked pained as she met his eyes again and she reached up to run her fingers along his cheek. "You better not be blaming yourself," she murmured. "I won't have that. I walked home alone, remember? I guess Charlie and my dad were always right." She tried to give him a smile, but he continued to look sad. She sighed. "Please don't, my love. That's in the past. Let's move forward." Plus, she would try everything to forget it ever happened.

"You know the kids won't hurt me, right?" she whispered then as a segue back to how they got on the topic of Jones. "I would've done the same had that been you. I understand. But I want to see them, too, Carlisle. Just for a little bit. And then we can lock ourselves away and I'm all yours."

His eyes lit up and darkened at the same time, desperation coloring his face before he sighed and slowly shook his head. She frowned.

"You need to hunt first."

It's as if his words lit a flame in her throat. She hadn't even noticed her thirst then. Her eyes went wide as her hand drifted to her throat as if that could extinguish the flames. He nodded and took her hand, tugging her for the window.

Second Chance at Forever | C. CullenKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat