"The detour will be about five minutes," Emmett said and Abigail let out a breath of relief as he plopped himself in the chair beside her. He smirked. "Don't worry, Mom, you two can disappear in your bedroom soon enough."

Abigail rolled her eyes and sighed as Jacob grunted in disgust. "Shut up," she mumbled as a lame attempt at a come back, making the guys nearly roll with laughter. She huffed and sat back, pretending to be mad and ignored them, but really the need for Carlisle was starting to become stifling. She wanted him there, needed him there.

The other two managed to find something to talk about until they heard a car pulling off the old highway. She gasped and stood, ceasing whatever it was her brother and son were talking about, and moving for the front door quickly. She heard a laugh behind her, but didn't bother to distinguish who it was. The car meant her fiance was nearly home and if she were Alice, she would be bouncing in her spot. As it were, she barely contained herself from wiggling against the window as it got closer, noticing for a moment there was actually a second car following them, but she was far too focused on the sound of the Volvo as it quickly got closer and closer.

The person in the second car is human, she thought quickly which meant she couldn't run to him as fast as she wanted to, but there would be no holding her back once she got to him. It had been a long day and it was after five, and she was just ready to be with her love again.

Finally once they arrived into the meadow—Abigail shocked to see the second car was Charlie's cruiser—she darted out the door. Usually the Volvo would be parked in the garage with the others, but clearly even Carlisle didn't want to wait that long. He pulled up beside the house, Charlie behind them, and Abigail squealed as she raced—at human speed—down to the driver's side door.

Carlisle was already opening it and climbing out quickly, smiling and opening his arms as they were suddenly full of an over excited Abigail. He chuckled warmly, though it sounded more to her like a purr, and squeezed her tightly as he picked her up off her feet. She buried her face in his neck and breathed in his familiar, comforting scent to ground herself. He was there, he was home, and she didn't have to panic. She wouldn't have to be without him again. No more trips of just them up to Port Angeles, and she had a feeling he wouldn't be going into work anytime soon. Well, he would have an excuse anyway considering he was "mourning." It was still odd to her, but it had to be done.

Only once she was content with his presence did she pull back long enough to press kisses all over his face and neck. He slowly lowered her to the ground, her arms slipping down around his waist while his cupped her cheeks.

"I missed you, too, my sweet Abigail." He smiled and pecked her lips softly. Once, twice, three times and it was all she could do not to deepen it right then and there because she could hear the others around them and realized the women from upstairs had come out, as had Jacob.

"Get a room," he called with a smirk making her scowl and turn around to give him a gesture she was glad Emmett didn't see, because he definitely would've gotten on her case. Jacob simply laughed harder.

"My love, I think there's someone else who needs to see you," Carlisle murmured into her ear. She gave him a curious glance before it dawned on her that Charlie's cruiser was parked behind them, and Charlie was standing outside it with Bella and Carlie, hands shoved in his pockets and looking at her in such a way her knees nearly buckled.

It was then she realized she didn't have any contacts in. She forgot in her haste to get to Carlisle.

"Crap," she gasped quietly and turned to flee into the house and find a pair, but Carlisle held her arm.

"Stay," he murmured. He sighed. "We went to tell them at the precinct that you had succumbed to your injuries. But Charlie wouldn't let us speak to him alone first, and so for about five minutes, he thought you were dead. We told him that like Bella, you had to change. Edward says he's been making connections for awhile now, but isn't willing to admit it to himself or us. But...he's right on the mark. And I think he can handle it. So stay, and let him see your eyes. If you and Bella want to continue the relationship with him, then he deserves the truth."

Second Chance at Forever | C. CullenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora