Slowly Abigail relaxed and she smiled up at him adoringly. She leaned up for a small kiss that could've very well have gotten deeper if Emmett hadn't cleared his throat in a disgusted matter.

"Dude, quit. I don't wanna see my parents making out."

Abigail giggled as Carlisle smirked and she turned to start in her food, not moving from Carlisle's lap.

Monday came far too early for her after spending the rest of the week at the Cullen house. The subject of her changing hadn't come up again, but she knew it wasn't over. She also knew Carlisle couldn't stop thinking about it, the same as she knew she wouldn't give it up. He was arguing with himself and by his silences, she could tell that he was no closer to a solution, and that's the only reason she didn't bring it back up.

She groaned as Carlisle woke her with tender kisses pressed along her neck and shoulders and while she wanted to slip back into sleep, she knew that she had to get herself around enough to head home. She had no scrubs with her at Carlisle's, so she was going to go back, shower and change, and head into work. The day without Carlisle would be brutal. After her little memory dump, she knew that not a single day went by that she wasn't in his presence for the whole time they were together. Having that change now seemed like sacrilege.

"No," she mumbled into the soft pillowcase. "If I get up, that means I have to leave you and go home, and I'm not ready for that."

He gave a silent laugh against her skin, body shaking lightly, and he moved up to her ear where he blew lightly and made her shiver.

"Who said anything about you leaving me?" he growled. Oh, that growl did things to her. Her body went warm. "Since I have to let you out of my sight for most of the day, I'll be driving you home to get your stuff, and then back and forth to work."

She sat up quickly then, green eyes sparkling as she took in the beautiful sight of Carlisle next to her. Golden hair shining in the light, ochre eyes sparkling with mirth and happiness. He had already changed into black trousers, a light blue button down shirt, and a matching light blue tie. He looked utterly breathtaking, and she quickly scrambled up and into his lap, humming in her attempt to purr—she missed being able to do that—and she wrapped her arms around his, fingers in his hair, nose against his neck.

"Really?" she breathed excitedly.

He nodded and she could feel tension that she understood now as a signal of his arousal, but she still chose to not mention it even as her own arousal grew. She knew, though, that he wouldn't risk her. "Couldn't get rid of me if you wanted to."

"I don't," she said quickly and then pulled him in for a kiss. It was hot and desperate as they had been slowly becoming over the past few days. She moved before she could tell herself not to and found herself straddling him in a way that made him groan. She arched against him, fingers digging into his shoulders as his flattened over her bottom and yanked her bottom half against him, making her squeak as she felt the obviousness of his lust for her in his pants. She almost rocked again, but the next moment she was sitting alone on the bed and he was breathing heavily next to the wall, looking agonized.

She let out a breath and tried to push it away, knowing the scent of her own need wasn't helping him, and bit her lip. Slowly she shimmied out from her tangle in the blankets and stood a couple feet away, looking apologetically up at him through her lashes.

"I'm sorry—" She was cut off by a tender kiss and she smiled softly.

"Never apologize," he murmured. Apparently she was doing that a lot lately because that's far from the first time she's heard it since she awoke from her memories.

Second Chance at Forever | C. CullenWhere stories live. Discover now