Abigail screamed, jerking back and stumbling over a rock, falling hard to her bottom. The wind got knocked out of her, but her legs and arms propelled her back a few feet, staring at the creature with terrified wonder. Clearly not the same wolf as this one—Jacob—was brown and not black, the eyes a deep chocolate. Jacob's eyes. He snarled for a second, but then all the fight seemed to leave, the large face falling into a look of melancholy. A whimper left his throat and carefully he sat down, making him closer to her height.

He didn't look angry in the least anymore, in fact he looked apologetic, and he laid his head on his large front paws, looking at her wearily. Abigail's heart jack-hammered and she stared at him, unsure and unable to move. It took only a second for her to realize that she wouldn't be running away, even though something impossible and mind blowing just happened right in front of her, so impossible she wasn't sure quite yet if she even believed it. Jacob became a wolf. A beautiful wolf, but a wolf nonetheless. People didn't just become wolves, they didn't just change into animals, and yet she was proven wrong by the creature in front of her.

Jacob. Her best friend.

Slowly her panic eased because she knew something: Jacob would never hurt her. Jacob protected her. Jacob was safe. Jacob was home. Why should she be afraid of that? Just because it wasn't normal, didn't mean that she should run. Because this was Jacob, and she could never run or be afraid of him.

He whimpered again, probably sensing her inner fight, and she felt bad for causing him the distress. Was this what he had been fighting with Billy about? She had a feeling it was. She knew Jacob and he would hate lying to her. He probably wanted to tell her and Billy disagreed with him. So, as Jacob was always stubborn, he showed her anyway. Slowly Abigail moved until she was on her knees and crawled the distance between them gingerly, hand out. It was a closer distance now considering his size—which, she realized, is why he backed up so she wouldn't get hurt—and slowly her hand found the brown fur.

Jacob gently lifted his head into it, telling her it was okay, and she giggled softly, a gentle smile breaking over her face. She moved closer then, deciding no ounce of fear was left in her, and she leaned forward to wrap her arms around his thick neck.

"You realize I'm going to call you the Hulk now, right?" she teased. "Get mad and poof, you're a wolf." The snort he let out was probably a laugh and she giggled again, pulling back to cup her hands over his cheeks. "Oh, Jake... I wish you told me sooner, but I know why you didn't. I'm not angry. And I'm not scared." She paused. "Does anyone else besides your dad know?"

He looked a little surprised, but nodded and made a little noise as if confirming.

"Is it just you?"

He shook his head as a no.

"That's why you're so strong, isn't it? You carried me like it was nothing."

He snorted again and nodded, leaning up to gently nudge her and gestured as if behind him. Her head tilted and she frowned.

"I don't understand."

He huffed and nudged her again, snapping at his neck, and then gesturing again. For a moment she raised a confused eyebrow and then it dawned on her, making her eyes widen.

"You want me get in your back?" she wondered.

He nodded yes.

"Won't it hurt?" The words were out before she thought and his look of annoyance made her giggle. "Right, sorry. I'll just have to get used to it, Hulk." He snorted again as she moved, clambering up and over his back, her fingers finding purchase in his soft fur, but she felt very secure where she was. Even as he stood up, she barely wobbled even as she felt his shoulder blades under her thighs. "Where are we going?" she wondered. He let out a noise, like halfway between a bark and a snort, before moving with her into the woods. She was glad she had the mind to shut her car door as her bag was still in there. She trusted it being unlocked, though, as it sat outside Billy's.

Second Chance at Forever | C. CullenWhere stories live. Discover now