I, Surrender

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Gabriel immediately headed to the Judgement Hall. She wanted to see Robinette enter Caelus. After everything Robinette had been through, she deserved eternal happiness. Gabriel nodded in acknowledgement to other angels who passed her by. Some nodded back, and others didn't.

She knew there were some who felt like she was too engrossed in the innocent world and that she didn't know her place as an archangel. They were the same angels who didn't interact as much as she did with the innocents and had forgotten about their past innocent lives.

They had forgotten about the trials and tribulations that an innocent experienced, whereas Gabriel hadn't experienced it personally, but saw it on a daily basis.

When she entered the Judgement Hall, there was the usual endless line of new innocents waiting to see the Creator. They all looked confused and bewildered, until they saw the surrounding angels, and started to remember their last moments in Corporis.

Some cried in anguish and anticipation of what was to occur, while others laughed and jumped for joy at leaving behind their previous life. There were those who tried to run away, only to be turned around and end up back in their spot in line. Most likely, these ones were headed for Abyssal, and they knew it.

Gabriel hurriedly searched the line for Robinette. To her relief, she spotted her looking perplexed, as was expected. Gabriel patiently waited as innocent after innocent was called and judged accordingly. Eventually, Robinette's name was called. The Creator, who was in a woman's form today, looked over at Gabriel and smiled somberly. Gabriel smiled back, hopeful.

She held her breath as she watched the Creator have the usual personal talk with the innocent that no one could hear. When they were done, Robinette was escorted out of the judgement hall with the Archangels Uriel and Chamuel towards the exit for Abyssal.

How was this possible? It wasn't that hard to get into Caelus. Innocents weren't angels and weren't expected to live as one. All they had to do was be a generally good person. Live by the golden rule, treat others the way you wanted to be treated. Had Robinette been so horrible in her life?

Gabriel immediately followed the angels. She watched as they handed her over to the gruesome Abyssal supernaturals that stood guard at the portal to Abyssal. Like most of the innocents, Robinette fought and protested going with the creatures, and eventually fainted.

One of the creatures hauled her over their shoulder, while smiling cruelly at Gabriel. They happily disappeared through the portal with their beloved prize.

"Another hopeless soul Lucifer has claimed," Uriel said, angrily. "It's not her fault he seduced her and planted his evil seed in her."

"Then why is she being sent to Abyssal?" Gabriel asked.

"She voluntarily pledged her soul to him," said Chamuel, shaking his head.

Gabriel wanted to kick herself. How could she forget what had happened ten years ago on that fateful day when they had decided to take Angelica? Lucifer had made it known to Robinette then, that she was his soul.

Now he would finally have her, unless she did something about it.

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Robinette screamed at the sight of the monstrosities that were standing over her when she opened her eyes. They were giggling and drooling grotesquely.

"Welcome, dearie!"

Robinette sat up, back pedaling away from the terrifying creatures that resembled women.

'Who are you? Where am I?"

Robinette quickly looked around at her surroundings. The air was filled with their atrocious smell and the dank, stale smell of being underground. The rock walls and the hard dirt floor which was littered with rocks and bones indicated she was in some type of cavern. She wondered to herself how she had gotten there.

Arrival of the Beast (Lucifer's Clock Series, Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now