*chapter title*

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Bruh I forgot about wattpad for two days and I come back to 3k+ notifications 💀 if I didn't respond as usual, it's because I didn't read them.

-(Time skip two days later)-

"I tried my best to prevent any rumours." Wilbur started, the conversation popping out of nowhere, it's clear that he feels guilty about the whole thing and wasn't sure how to bring it up casually, "I'm sorry for spreading the first lie, it would've been fine if I just told her to leave."

"Don't worry about it" I respond, eating (whatever breakfast meal type food was prepared), "even if you didn't respond, the rumour would've started anyway, this situation probably would've still happened." I tell him. There's no point in speculation the "what if"s when the now is the most important. It's too late.

"I hope the while rumour thing didn't ruin your date." He whined, "you guys looked so happy."
"Sapnap sent me some photos, the drink he got looked sooo good" he beamed, almost drooling, "I think I'd have to go slap that girl if she managed to ruin a date with that drink involved."
"That girl?" I repeat, "you don't know her name??"
"No??? She's just 'that girl' in my contacts?? How am I supposed to remember everyone's names???"
"No I don't! I just know a guy who knows a guy who knows a girl who knows everyone! And so I get all the details about everyone and everything. My inbox is like a weekly bloody newsletter with everyone's love-life inside!" He rants.
I laugh at his reaction, "well don't worry, you are definitely not the cause of- well, you didn't do anything and that's all that matters okay?" I assured, almost talking about how the date ended awkwardly.

He seemed satisfied with that response.
After Techno and Tommy were also ready, we all left the house and eventually parted ways, once with Tommy at his school, and then the rest of us when we arrived at the college doors.

"Karl! Karl why??!!" Dream immediately whined once he spotted me, grabbing my shoulders and swinging me back and forth, "how could you do this??"
"What did I do????" I ask.
He grabs my hand and almost drags me to the music room, where u was headed anyway, and gestures to the boy sat on a chair beside George, holding his head in his hands.

I walk over and stand infront of him before crouching down so I'm almost eye level with him, "Nick? Hey?" I start, there's no response from him, "you good? What's up?"
He shakes his head, "Jaamessss" he mumbles.

"I really don't get it." George speaks up from beside him, skimming through a familiar book.

"Oh, yeah, my bad." I apologise, mainly to the others around the room but also Nick, "so you finished the book?"
He looks up, he looks so distraught and confused, "JAMES HE-"
"I know."
He fakes a sob, "I'm so lost."
"I know." I comfort, i pat his leg a few times, "it's okay."

"You broke our Sapnap!" Dream complains, realising he had been forgotten in the back, "all morning he's been ranting about these fictional people to me and I haven't got a clue what he's on about."
"You should read it, it's not that bad." George states, reading the first couple of pages.
"So good..." Nick whispers.
"Anyway, I'm not babysitting him." He shrugged.

"Oh, don't worry," I start, walking past him, "this'll only last about an hour... if you're lucky." I quickly leave the room to go to class.
"Wha- no! Hey! Get back here!" He yells but I'm already too far for him to bother catching me.

Third person pov:

-(time skip)-

"I hope Karl is alright." Sapnap states.
"He should be fine," Dream starts, "Wilbur tried his best to defuse the situation on Friday, and I haven't heard anyone mention it yet."
"Me neither. But it somehow makes it worse that we haven't heard even the smallest rumour."
"That's true, usually at least a couple of people will say something to us. But it doesn't necessarily make it a bad thing, perhaps Wilbur was actually successful."
"I guess so..." he replied, something just didn't feel right.

"Hey, are you alright?" Sapnap asks, he had recently noticed Dreams behaviour, he had been acting off but he couldn't quite detect exactly what it was, it was starting to bug him.

Dream gave his friend a confused look and finished chewing his lunch before responding, "...yeah? Why?" He asked. It wasn't a question that was commonly asked between them; knowing each other for most of their lives, they could usually just know when something was wrong, and just in general, 'are you alright?' just wasn't a question that came up unless something was wrong.

"That's good." He plainly answered, disregarding the 'why'. The two were mostly very open with each other, trusting one another enough that they felt comfortable sharing everything with each other. If something was wrong, he would share.
Sapmap trusted this answer.
But he knew the odd feeling that something just wasn't quite right would follow him for a while.
Dream just seemed off. Though the exact 'off' details were unknown, Sapnap just knew.

The dirty blonde looked back at his lunch but then turned back to Sapnap and completely abandoned the food "...are you alright?" He asked, unsure whether or not the reason Sapnap had asked was because he wanted to be asked aswell.

"Oh- uhm yeah, yeah I'm alright." He replied, caught slightly off guard, a sudden thought sprung to mind and he decided he wanted to bring it up, "actually, do you think I could get come advice?"

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