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Wtf just happened.

I can't even begin to wrap my head around the past 10 minutes.
It was going so well and then he just left. Did I do something wrong?
Shit this is my fault isn't it? I took too long to answer. It didn't feel like that long though! It took me a minute to actually process what he meant.

Karl is a trans guy. So what?
I should probably do some more research and stuff, so I don't screw up, maybe ask Wilbur. But apart from that, it makes zero difference to anything.

Karl is still Karl.

He looked like he was about to cry. He was shaking. I should've done something but it all happened so fast that I didn't know what to do: give him time or stop him.

I walked out the door the moment he left, I don't know if I wanted to catch up with him or call to him but I did neither. He was already gone, like he was never there to begin with.

I really fucked up didn't I?

I walked across the hall to the music room, what else can I do? I don't know where Karl is and he probably doesn't want to see me, I should've spoken, I should've told him it was fine and I don't care! stupid stupid stupid.

I open the door, their attention all immediately on me, "um..."
Dream and George were sat in suspense, waiting for my confirmation, they'd probably been waiting there the whole time just exchanging theories and such I don't know.

Wilbur on the other hand? He was glaring at me, his eyes daggers, he too was waiting for my answer, just not for the same reason that the other two were.
Based on Wilburs expression, I'm assuming he knows that Karl is trans, and so of course he must also know what I was talking to him about.
And now I have returned, he is fully prepared to wash my eyes with vinegar and make me watch while he chops my dick off and feeds it to hungry rats as a well presented dish.

"So, where's Karl?" He asked, quite coldly. Actually slightly scared.
"I don't know. And it's not what it looks like, but I fucked up." I admitted and acknowledged.
"What did you do?" He folded his arms, I have never once seen the guy angry, so this was obviously just my time to die I guess.

"I told you, it's not what it looks like, but," I look at George, " I need you to talk to him for me." I told him, "Karl has known you the longest, he trusts you."
George smiled but shook his head, "nope. Wilbur needs to go."
"Huh? Why me?"
"Because he asked you to be there didn't he? If he wants anyone there it'll be you." He remembered, "tell us when you find him, please?"

The brunette nodded before walking out the door, but I couldn't just let him leave with a fraction and wrong implication of the whole story.
I grab his arm and he stops but he doesn't look at me, "Wilbur, you know I would never say anything like what you might be thinking. I would never want to hurt either of you."

He pulled his arm away, "I'll talk to you later."

I let him go to find Karl.

It hurts to hear him talk to me like that, not even making eye contact, but I understand that transphobia is a topic he is very serious about, his whole family in fact.
That's just what happens when someone close to you comes out at trans.

And as that person is Tommy, of course Wilbur is going to be somewhat protective when it comes to transphobia or discrimination against trans people in any shape or form.

I just hope that whatever Karl tells him doesn't make things worse.

'I'm so sorry, Karl.'

I can't imagine what he must think of me right now, or what he must think of himself.

I enter the room again and sit opposite the other two who had just been watching, George folds his arms, "care too explain yourself, sir?"

And so I tell them everything as we wait for Wilbur's return or message.
Well, most of it vaguer than others.

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