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Recap: Karl's father doesn't accept him, still deadnaming him. Karl has to wear feminine clothes at home, infront of his dad, as that was the deal he made in exchange for short hair.

Trigger warning:
-transphobic father 🤜👨🏻

(Recap in next chapter.)

-a few weeks later-

Karl had been at college for almost four weeks now. Over time, social groups had become more recognisable and he made sure to stick with Bad and his friends.

A lot of people went their own separate ways, not everyone knew everyone like his old school, it was college, somehow it was completely different.
But still, it had a similar "food chain" as he called it.
Those at the top being the popular, most likeable, usually smug, comedic and sporty ones. The carnivores, feeding off of people's attention and affection. As long as you can tickle the whole classes' funny bones, including the teachers, you are immediately going to be surrounded be others who know will get the attention, and want some of it too.

And then those at the bottom. Currently it was undetermined, college was more free, and a lot more people seemed... surprisingly mature? There wasn't really a bottom level that he could detect for now, most people hung out in small groups and didn't really want popularity, everyone was very expressionate through the way they presented themselves and didn't really care enough to pick on eachother.

'I guess that's a bonus.'

But as of now, it was very apparent who the popular people were, constantly followed around by groups of people trying to "get to know them better" or in other words, "appear popular to gain themselves some fame."
They are known as the leeches, fake, toxic and just stealing popularity for themselves.

Everyday was the same, it was the same three subjects plus an extra which was optional. He wasn't complaining though, he enjoyed those subjects, it was just already starting to become more and more programmed into his daily system. Predictable.

Luckily, he had gotten used to the layout of the school at this point, well the art and design building at least, he never needed to go into the others.

Currently, Karl was preparing to leave the house, pulling on his binder and his usual slightly oversized hoodie and some jeans.
He looked himself up and down in his mirror, he had never been exited to go to school, it was a pleasant change from his previous terror that came with the thought.
He adored his masculine appearance, the fact he was never misgendered at college helped his self image tremendously, he was starting to feel more confident and comfortable the way he was.

He admired his flat chest, turning to the side and then the other, just making sure nothing noticeable would give him away.

He grinned, feeling the mass amounts of Euphoria flood his brain.
'Today is going to be a good day.' He hoped.

He picked up his bag and went to open his door when he realised something. A very important factor of the somewhat double life he was living.
He never heard his dad leave the house?

The brunette walked over to the other side of the room and peered out of his window at the driveway where he saw a familiar car still parked in the driveway, no noticeable signs of life anywhere near it that would indicate that his father would be leaving any time soon.

He felt a heavy wave of panic flood his brain, replacing his previous euphoric excitement. 'How the hell am I going to do this then?' He asked himself.
He had no time to wait for him to leave, he didn't have a free period first this time, so he had to leave as soon as possible.
He took a deep breath before finally turning the door knob, thousands of possible outcomes filling his thoughts.

'He could just not notice?' He thought, in denial, there was no way he wouldn't notice. If he passed at school like this, then his dad would definitely notice a change. 'What the honk am I going to do if he yells at me? Just leave? I guess that would work...' he concluded, 'not much I can do but try my best to hide it?'

"Ah, Kira" he heard from the table, "good morning, you headed out to school?" He asked, munching on some toast and reading the news on his phone like a very stereotypical father figure.
Again, Karl felt the urge to throw up at the name, either due to the pure anxiety he got from it, or just because he hated being called that so much it physically made him ill.

"Yeah, no work today?" He responded, dryly, not wanting to speak to him right now.
"Nah, we all get a day off today" he informed.
Karl hummed, trying his best to discreetly walk past the wide doorway without being spotted.

But of course, like a hawk, as if he had a 6th sense just used to make Karl's life more difficult, his head darted to face him. Immediately, his outfit was the first thing he noticed, he didn't recognise him, "Kira, what are you wearing?" He asked, sounding rather disappointed.
"Clothes I hope" he muttered.
"Kira" he spat, "what did I say about-"
"Look, dad, I really gotta go to school now so-"
"You are not going to school looking like a boy!" He yelled, the younger wouldn't be surprised if he had slammed the table during his sudden burst of rage.
The yelling shocked Karl, but only for a second as it was sudden, apart from that he was unfazed.
"I am a boy, though." He protested calmly, trying to hide his intense anxiety.

His father forced a laugh and pinched  the bridge of his nose before continuing, "oh off with this again are we?" He spat, "you're not a fucking boy, Kira, you're my sweet little daughter, my princess." He denied, "so stop it with this odd phase of yours and fucking act like it." He swore.

Karl didn't like his father much, for this reason exactly. He never listened. But no matter how much he slowly grew to hate his father figure, his words still stung him, they still hurt.
"I'm not your daughter! I'm your son! I've tried explaining this to you over and over but you never listen to-"
"Shut up!" He interrupted, "shut the fuck up, and go get ready for school. You are not going out looking like a boy." He demanded.

The brunette only scoffed at this, "hell no." He denied, readjusting his bag straps and walking straight out the door regardless of his fathers protests.

But as soon as that door closed, his tears started to fall.

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