Oh dear.

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Karl had completely forgotten that everyone at school thought he was dating Wilbur, or at least that's what Wilbur had told some gossip obsessed girl in our year group.
That group before must have seen Karl and Sapnap holding hands, possibly even kissing and acting all couple-like.

"What do we do?" Nick questioned.
It wasn't so much the actual rumour that they were afraid of, it was the fact that Karl was already receiving negative comments daily for being homosexual and cheating was something everyone, aswell as LGBT ally's, disapproved of.
Literally everyone in school would hate him.

The ringtone for the group chat pinged and both boys pulled out their phones to look; and not to their surprise, it was exactly as they had suspected.

Wilbur: guys wtf do we do about this??
*insert screenshot of messages from girl*

George: wtf??

Karl: some girl accused me of cheating on Wilbur with Sapnap, pretty sure she is about to expose that lie to the whole school.

Dream: I know this is meant to be the part where I say something reassuring
But she is popular, if she plans to expose you, it's already happened by now

George: shit

Karl: *bad is typing*

Wilbur: not the time for jokes Karl!

Karl: how else to I cope???

Wilbur: I tried telling her that it was a lie and that me and you weren't dating, it was just to protect your relationship, but she is set on believing that I'm in the right and you're in the wrong!?!

Karl: bruh.

Sapnap: what about me? Surely I'm getting exposed too right?

Wilbur: that's probably one of the worst parts, she believes Karl tricked you and refuses to believe otherwise for some ungodly reason.

Karl: you know what else is ungodly? Gay.

George: Sapnap, take Karl's phone away.

Sapnap: done. Phone has been obtained. Ability to socialise confiscated.

Wilbur: I've begged her not to post anything yet, reminding her that it's private stuff and that would be insensitive.
She said she sent it to her friends but she will try to make sure it isn't leaked.

George: well, HOW NICE OF HER! :|

Wilbur: I'm not sure there's much else we can do to be fair...

Sapnap: so what? We just sit and wait to see if Karl's school life goes to shit?

Wilbur: look im trying my best here dude

Sapnap: sorry man didn't mean for it to come out like that

George: you two carry on with your date, we will try and come up with something okay?

Sapnap: thanks

Returning the phone to Karl, they carried on wandering around but kept an eye out for that girl incase they could persuade her that what she assumed, was entirely false.
After the previous scare, they held hands less and didn't kiss at all for the rest of their little date, neither approved of it, but not a word was spoken, neither wanted the other to get accused of anything or get harassed in school about it.

The fact that one little scare like that managed to prevent so much of what they enjoyed about the freedom they felt in eachothers company was worrying. But they silently decided to just wait till they were alone to do stuff like that, at least until this whole thing blows over.

Dream: guys! People are asking me questions! I think the photo was leaked!

Wilbur: you think?? Some random girl literally just gave me her number saying something about my relationship crumbling to the saddening depths of "a large fun-twirly straw".

George: you gunna call her?

Wilbur: stfu George

Nick read the messages but didn't say anything as he looked up at Karl scanning the books on the library shelves, occasionally pulling one out by the top corner and then sliding it back in, displeased. It seemed like right now he wasn't thinking about what was occurring in the world outside of the library or even the books his finger trailed over infact.

Nick preferred to see him like this.
Concluding that now just abut the best time.
He'd read the messages when he was ready.

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