Here we are

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And there he was.
There he sat.
In a rather small room, completely alien to him.
The clock echoed in his mind as the skinny hand continued to tick in an obnoxiously loud manner, the noise almost felt as if it was bouncing off of the dull cream walls behind him.
The chair he was on was oddly shapen, something about the rough, woven materials used was rather uncomfortable; no matter how he repositioned himself, it just never felt quite right.

It was clear that the kind lady who owned the office-type room was trying to make it as comfortable as possible, the heating was up, but just enough to make the air of the room feel a bit stuffy, but any lower and it would feel cold. Like there was no perfect temperature. He still appreciated that he did not have to sit in a cold room at least.

He was not a fan of the carpet. The patterns were like diamonds; more specifically, triangles that aligned in a certain pattern to form diamonds.
It was pretty and all, but the one (and only one) triangle that was somehow woven 90° in the wrong direction triggered him.

To distract himself, he looked around the room again, instead of a quick glance, he really studied some of the rooms particularly... odd features.
The many shelves either that folders and sheets stacked inside, or they had odd figurines, the boys particular favourite was the small glass monkey that sat on a colourful swing tied to a tree. It was just fun.

As he continued to let his eyes wonder the room, he didn't even realise how much he was fidgeting with his own hands, tugging at skin and the ends of his nails -without any conscious intention of damaging any of it-, and his leg bounced- oh, how it bounced. If there was a competition for the worlds fastest leg bouncer, in this situation, he would win for sure.
Better yet, he probably had the muscliest calf's in the world, the amount of leg bouncing he did on a daily building a ton of muscle in his legs.
He found that fact quite amusing.

"Hey, sorry!" A voice apologised from behind him, stealing him from the train of thought he was previously riding, "sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to make you wait." They sighed, rather jolly surprisingly, considering their job.

"It's okay."

The lady sat down opposite Karl, at her desk, laying some of her papers down before kindly looking up and smiling at him with a reassuring expression. It was effective. A lot of tension was lifted.

"Karl, I hope?" She checked, he nodded, "great. How are your wounds doing? They definitely look better than the email described to me."

"They are... better." He replied, remembering the patched up wounds on his face. Acknowledging their existence somehow triggered them to burn a little, stinging under the bandages.
He carefully, ever so slightly, stroked the the top of one slightly, unable to resist the urge, causing him to flinch -unnoticeably- from the sudden sting.

"That's good." She smiled softly, sitting comfortably in her chair, "now, Karl, I'm going to need you to tell me exactly what happened; can you do that for me?" She asked.

Karl nodded again.

She flipped open her brand new notebook, clicking her own once and writing something at the top of the page, getting ready to begin.
She looked back up at him to signal that she was ready when he was.

He took a calming breath.


-4 days ago-

A knock at the door startled the house occupants, the tallest immediately ran over to the door to reveal the boy they had previously called.
They greeted them silently, allowing them to come inside.
It was clear that there was tension.
The expressions on everyone's faces mimicking the kind you would see at a funeral. They were all experiencing some kind of loss.

George was at a loss for words, much like everyone else in the kitchen.
Bad, Dream, Sapnap, Phil.
Wilbur, Techno and Tommy were running some errand for them.
It could drain anyones mood, entering this room of sorrow could suck any previous joy from someone's soul immediately.
It hurt to see anyone with such an expression.

All of them were sat or stood around the table, a small pile of books and papers sat in the centre. Phil had a hot beverage while Bad rested his head in his hands, staring long and hard at the notes infront of them. Dream sat beside him, scrolling through his phone and occasionally adding to previously taken notes.

It was clear, if it wasn't before, that they were out of ideas.

It was silence for a moment. Nobody spoke. The only sound was of the occasionally scribbles of Dream's pen.
Apart from that; complete silence.
It was incredibly frustrating for one boy in particular. He stood and slowly grew more agitated as the seconds ticked past slowly.

He couldn't understand why everyone was just sitting there.
Not doing anything.
Just trying to find loop holes.
Looking through law books and the internet.

'This is taking too long.' He thought.
He didn't care if Phil was legally capable of helping, lawyers may be their best hope right now, but that could take weeks.
Do you know how long it takes to set a court date?
If Karl's home was bad enough to leave, why the hell would he wait that long.
Hell, he may not even be alive by then.

"This is fucking stupid." He cussed, gritting his teeth as he pivoted round back towards the exit.
This grabbed everyone's attention, Dream stood up from his chair, "where the hell are you going??" He called after him.

"To do something that's actually helpful!" He answered before a slam of the door echoed throughout the house, leaving the others both confused and surprised.

He was going to go and save Karl.

And he wasn't about to sit around and wait for something to actually happen.

Stealth. (FtM Karl)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora