"Okay, give her the phone please.", I said.

Imani is a fragile child when it comes to these matters but i know she is strong.

"Come on little ones, let's go bake cookies.", said Drake before giving the phone to Imani.

"Hey baby how you feeling?", I asked.

"Mommy is mama okay?", she asked. I could hear the worry in her voice and my heart began to get heavy.

"Baby mama is okay, she just got a little hurt.", I said.

"She's not gonna be with sissy is she?", she asked.

"Of course not baby, I promise you Mama is gonna be strong and tickling you before you know it.", I said with a tear rolling down my cheek.

"Okay Mommy, can I talk to Ma?", she asked.

"She's not here right now baby, but I'll make sure to have her call you.", I said.

"Okay, I love you mommy please be safe."

"I will baby, make sure your uncle and sisters don't burn down my house.", I said.

"I will.", she giggled making my heart warm.

We said our goodbyes and I told Drake to take care of them before hanging up. When I got into the room Kelly sat beside Bey rubbing her back and humming.

"What happened?", I asked.

"When you left she flipped out so I decided to sit with her.", she said. I could see Beyoncé felt safe in Kelly's arms.

"How's she so safe and content with you?", I asked.

"When it comes to Bey, Michelle and I have been with her through some of the roughest times, her crazy ex boyfriend, the loss of the kids, Daisjah.", she said. Beyoncé really has been through in it in life, hell we all have but no one holds it together like she does. She keeps a smile on her face and her head held high through it all.

"One time Daniel beat her damn near to death and the worst part of the situation was she still forgave him, she was weak in the knees for the man, if a random person was to even look at her wrong she would flip, but when he laid his hands on her she was calm and forgiving.", she said.

"Nicki this here hit us all hard, one of my best friends is on the fence between life and death and the other one is too broken to even acknowledge what happened, don't blame yourself for what happened.", she said.

"I don't blame myself for what happened I just want to kill Jay and I wanna do it quickly.", I said .

"Don't be so quick, your main priority is your family, trust me Melissa, Drake, Wayne, and I will do I ever best to find Jay, you and Rih worry about Bey and your kids.", she said.


Mama Tina barging in the room stopped my sentence.

"Tell me what happened.", she said.

"Beyoncé and I went on a job and we were ambushed by Jay and Erica, who's the lover of cyn.", said Kelly. Her face went damn near white.

"Please tell me you're talking another Jay and not Shawn."

"Mama it was Jay, Jay did this to Bey, he raped her.", said Kelly.

Her face showed hurt, anger, betrayal.

She didn't even say words, she just walked to Bey and stroked her face.

"Why did I ever let you in this business?", she asked.

"NICKI!" , yelled Melissa running in. I jumped up from my seat looking at an out of breathe pregnant Melissa.

"Rihanna and Wayne.", she said. I began to panic at the thought of one of them being in the hands of Erica or dead.

"What happened Baby?", asked Kelly.

"Jay, they found him."


Happy Easter Sunday loves🐣💜.

I've been gone for what seems like forever but im sorry. End of the year is coming and school is hectic.

Rihanna and Wayne?

Imani and Nicki's phone call?

Do you think Michelle will make it?

What do you think mama Tina will do to Jay?

I love y'all 🤎


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