Chapter 28

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5 years later
Nicki's POV

"Mommy when is Ma coming to get me?", asked Autumn.

"She should be coming in the next 15 minutes.", I said.

"So it's just me going?", she asked .

"Autumn you know how Imani is about leaving.",  Okay eraI said.

"Well can you ask her please, I don't wanna go alone.", she said.

"Yes baby I will.", I said giving her a kiss.

Ever since what happened to Blue that night shit has been hectic.

We took Solange and Ivy to the hospital and Solange had to get surgery on her back and do rehab.

Ivy's funeral was 2 months after and when I say people gathered. People in the business, all of our partners, and family. We went to the graveyard. Well we had to go to Barbados.

Rihanna insisted that Ivy be buried with her mother. I understood that, she felt her mother would take care of Ivy.

Once we buried her though Bey changed. Like she changed changed.

She began drinking, doing drugs and honestly I didn't know if she was gonna kill herself or her enemies after she went on a killing spree.

Of course Rihanna and I tried to help but Beyoncé wasn't Beyoncé anymore. She was more reckless than Rihanna was and it was scary.

It happened for 4 years. The girls were terrified of her. She wasn't mean to them but you could see the anger, rage, and pain in her eyes.

She had an incident where she was found in a underground fight club bloody and almost beat to death. She was high off of god knows what and that's when we sent her to rehab.

When we sent her she was obviously angry. The first six times Rih and I called her she spent the 10 minutes with attitude but it was just the withdrawal.

After those 6 times we haven't heard from her. We've called hell we even went down there and still she didn't wanna talk.

I honestly was worried but I knew for sure she was in there.

After Bey leaving Rih and I separated. One we didn't feel right with Bey and Rih spent her time running through the streets anyways so it was no point in staying.

"Mani.", I said coming into Imani's room. She of course wasn't in view so I went to her closet to see her in that corner.

She made the closet up just for Ivy. She dearly missed her sister. If anyone has suffered it's Imani.

After going to the funeral she also changed.

Her and Ivy were connected at the hip and that was expected but when she died you saw the happiness in her eyes leave. She was never the same.

For 5 years she hasn't said a word. At least to Rih and I she's been mute for 5 years and next week makes the 5 year anniversary for Ivy.

She made her closet into a space for her to sit and relax. She has old pictures of her and Ivy on it. She has Ivy's favorite teddy bear and even has Her favorite blanket she used to love. We took her to a psychiatrist and they are saying survior's guilt is the reason. They say that people can become mute for many reasons. SInce she stopped communicating for five years and she never really learned the basic way of communicating she goes to speech therapy.

I knocked on the closet door and she knocked back to tell I could come in. Even though she stopped talking she found ways to communicate with us. The only person she really will even come close to talking to is Solange.

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